Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sermon Video: The Problem of Favoritism - James 2:1-7

Favoritism, and its ugly flip-side, discrimination, is a facet of life we all deal with.  There are endless reasons why someone or some group of people might be shown favoritism or be discriminated against, all of which are unacceptable for the people of God.  The basis of our relationship with God is grace, unmerited favor, given to us freely by God.  How can we turn around and treat other people as if their poverty, race, gender, age, or any other factor makes them less deserving of the kindness we are supposed to show all people?
The example that James focuses upon is favoritism shown to someone with wealth coupled with disregard shown to someone who is poor.  The passage reminds us of the false promises of wealth, fame, power, and other pursuits that pull us away from the fruit of the spirit by exalting pride and pushing people away from a humble pursuit of God.
In the end, the Church needs to be a place where favoritism and discrimination are unknown.  The doors need to be open for all to come and hear the Gospel's call to repentance and promise of forgiveness, and everyone who walks through them needs to be treated like God treated us, as a lost child coming home to a Father's tear filled embrace.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

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