Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sermon Video: Always pray and don't give up - Luke 18:1-8

In this passage, Jesus utilizes a parable about a widow seeking justice from a corrupt judge to illustrate the value of persistence and the need for ongoing prayer by comparing her difficult journey to finding justice to our close relationship with him who is our Judge, our Heavenly Father.  The widow struggled to find justice and only found it by wearing the corrupt judge down, but our Father is eager to send mercy and justice to his people, his "chosen ones", which transforms our prayers from acts of badgering to acts of obedience.  God is not pestered by our persistence in prayer, he is pleased by it.  When we pray, we take yet another small step of faith, certainly not a leap, for we know of God's goodness and mercy and every reason to expect that he will answer.
So we must continue to pray, and we must remain faithful.  That requirement does not belittle the pain and suffering of those who must wait for an answer to prayer, nor those for whom the answer from God turns our to be "no".

To watch the video, click on the link below:

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