Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sermon Video: "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" - Luke 10:25-28

“What must I do to inherit eternal life?”  That question lies at the heart of mankind’s hopes to stand before our Creator without fear.  Connected to that question is the related question of, “What is the greatest commandment?”  Jesus interacted with those two questions on multiple occasions in the Gospels, and always came around to the same answer, whether he was answering the question himself or simply agreeing with the answer of someone else: Love God with everything you have, and love your neighbor as yourself.  These two summations of the duties and responsibilities of the Law of Moses are recorded in Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18.  That these two requirements of total love, for God and our neighbor, are an effective summation of the Law was one of the few things about which Jesus and his adversaries among the ruling religious clique of Jerusalem could agree.  The answer to the question is not in any doubt, in order to stand before God, we must love him with everything we have, body, mind, soul, and strength, AND we must love that which he loves, people created in his image, as we love ourselves.  This is what God requires of us, the stark difference between Jesus and the self-righteous leaders who opposed him is that Jesus knew full well that humanity was incapable of even approaching this standard of perfection, let alone accomplishing it.

                “What must I do” is a failing proposition from the beginning.  Because God is holy, our effort will always fall far short.  If we cannot “do” anything to save ourselves, are we simply left without hope?  From the very beginning, when God promised Adam and Eve that he would one day send a redeemer, the answer to mankind’s dilemma lay with God.  The Messiah, God’s own Son, was sent to remedy that which we could never do.  What mankind is incapable of, Jesus did, what we could not do for ourselves, he has done for us.  Where does that leave us?  Grace, God’s grace, that is our hope and our trust, when we put our faith in what Jesus has accomplished, the Spirit of God can begin to transform us, washing away our past sins, and starting us on the road, through his power, to becoming a people that loves God with everything we have and loves our neighbors, all of them, as ourselves.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

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