Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sermon Video: Rehoboam, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - 2 Chronicles 11-12

Is being a follower of Jesus Christ a sprint or a marathon?  In the case of Rehoboam, the son of Solomon and new king of Judah, his reign started exceedingly poorly.  His pride cost him the allegiance of the northern ten tribes, a situation he intends to remedy by going to war against his rebellious subjects.  At this point, God sends a prophet to deter Rehoboam from making war against his own kindred, and Rehoboam listens.  Over the years that follow, Rehoboam has both times of faithfulness to God and times of wandering away from the LORD.  He makes some wise decisions, and some foolish ones.  With such a mixed life of ups and downs, what is the final verdict for Rehoboam?  “He did evil because he had not set his heart on seeking the LORD.” (2 Chronicles 12:14)  He never fully committed himself to following God.  When times were tough, he was willing to rely upon God, but when things improved, his devotion wavered.  In the end, his lukewarm obedience to God was just not good enough. 

            How many Christians treat their faith the same way?  When we need God, we’re full of devotion, when we start to think that we don’t, or when faith starts to cost us something (i.e. service to others), the appeal fades away and so do we.  That isn’t good enough.  Either God is God of our lives, either we serve him fully, or we’re just kidding ourselves.  Rehoboam never got past seeing God as an expediency, he never decided to devote himself to God, don’t make the same mistake.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

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