Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sermon Video: "Woman, why are you crying?" - John 20:1-15

In the Easter resurrection appearance of the Gospel of John, the focus is upon the emotional state of the three participants.  Mary Magdalene is filled with anguish upon learning that the stone has been rolled away and fearing that Jesus' body has been stolen by those who would desecrate it.  She runs to tell Peter and John who both come to see the empty tomb for themselves, ponder the mystery of the burial cloths left behind, and leave believing that Jesus is alive but confused as to how and why this has happened.
As Mary remains behind, still in anguish over the apparently stolen body of Jesus, she first sees two angels, and then Jesus himself whom Mary mistakes for a moment as the gardener.  Jesus asks Mary, "Woman, why are you crying?"  When she doesn't recognize him, he simply says, "Mary" to which she responds with recognition, "Rabboni" (Teacher).  At once the cloud of sorrow is lifted off of Mary and replaced by extreme joy.  Jesus gives her the important task, and high honor, of being the first Christian missionary to spread the Good News that Jesus is alive.  As she runs to tell the disciples, the words of Jesus that he will soon be returning to his Father are a sobering thought amidst the joy that the worldwide task of preaching the Gospel will be the task of this small band of disciples; this is just the beginning.

To watch the video, click on the link below:
Sermon Video

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