Friday, February 22, 2013

Missing Fathers lead to trouble

I was reading the paper the other day and came across and essay that talked about all of the social ills that are tied to absent fathers.  From poverty to criminal activity, a host of social ills can be easily tied through statistics to men who create children but don't father them.  My first thought upon seeing the title of the article was, "Well, duh, tell me something I don't know."  Anyone who works in the social sciences in any way, interacting with humanity on a daily basis, should be able to see that absent fathers is the biggest problem in our society today.  What drives moral scourge of our society, abortion, if not women left in the lurch by men acting like boys.  What causes promiscuity among young women if not the need for love that their father's did not give them?  What leads boys to try to act tough without any understanding of knowing when to walk away if not the lack of a father who demonstrated how to know the difference?
When I worked for ten years as an alternative education teacher I faced the results of absent fatherhood each and every day.  The vast majority of our students had little or no relationship with their father.  He had either walked away from the family, was in jail, or was never in the picture in the first place.  Was it any wonder that these young boys had aggression issues, or that these young girls felt desperate for male acceptance?  It wasn't their fault that adults had chosen to put their mistakes on their shoulders, but they were the ones having to try to pick up the pieces.  In the end, the ones that stuck with it, that earned their diplomas, made all of their teachers proud because they overcame a burden that society should not be placing upon children.
No society can long endure without two parent homes.  We may tell ourselves that single parents can do just fine; and some are certainly doing heroic things on their own, but the merciless statistics bear out that missing fathers are the harbinger of societal woe.  When will men in this nation begin to act like men?  When will women say "enough is enough" and stop accepting boys when they need men? 
Nobody needs to tell me what is wrong with America, I see it in each broken heart, in each life gone wrong, in each tale of sorrow which confronts my ministry.  Where is dad?  Where are the fathers?

1 comment:

  1. Another good one Paster Powell..I love reading your articals. Food for thought..and prayer. Blessings, Teresa
