Wednesday, November 7, 2012

This changes nothing

Whether you're waking up this morning celebrating or moaning the results of yesterday's election it doesn't matter.  That we live in a land where patriots and a merciful God have given us the right to vote certainly matters, but who won or lost this recent election doesn't matter nearly as much as you think.
Why is that?
Today, I still have two Bible studies to lead and prayer group to participate in;  I still need to get over to the Y today and get some exercise; I still have a sermon to work on for Sunday, and a fledgling outreach group (Mustard Seed Mission) to work for.  I am still responsible for this local flock of believers in Jesus Christ, and I am still charged with reaching the Lost with the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  None of this has changed since yesterday.
In America the government has nothing to do, for good or ill, with my church.  We can worship how we choose, and I can preach what the Word of God has laid upon my heart.  There is no government censor sitting in the pews taking notes.  In fact, I can and do broadcast my sermon each week on YouTube without fear of reprisal.
  The efforts of Mustard Seed Mission, to spread the love of Christ through helping those in need and building relationships with them is not affected in any way by the election.  The government officials we're cooperating with are local, there responsibility and heart is local.  We dont' depend upon any government funding (nor would we take any), and nobody can tell us that we cannot share the Gospel when we lend a helping hand.
My ministry, my calling from God to be salt and light in this world is not, nor can it be, changed by an election.  Even if I lived in a land where government officials would seek to take away my liberty for speaking the name of Jesus, my mission would be unchanged.  That I live in America, is a blessing from God; that OUR effort to share the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ continues this day is our responsibility.

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