Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sermon Video - "You are blessed" - Luke 6:20-23

In his customary unexpected wisdom, Jesus explains the reality that those who are poor, hungry, or sorrowful will be blessed in the Kingdom of God, and that those who follow him will be hated, mocked, and persecuted yet likewise receive the blessing of God. How can any such misfortune be considered a blessing? The answer lies in the tendency of those who have a "good" life in this world to feel no need to seek God in faith while those who have a "bad" life in this world cling to God as their only hope. In the end, it is living by faith that matters; if being poor, or being mocked as a Christian, helps us to live that life of faith we are better off than if we were rich and honored in this world, but lost in the next.

Jesus also offers the promise of a heavenly reward and the comfort that those who are treated poorly because they belong to God are not the first to suffer for this reason, nor must they suffer alone.   To watch the video, click on the link below: Sermon Video

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