Friday, August 3, 2012

Hello God? Are you listening?

You ever have that feeling that maybe nobody is listening to you?  You've been working hard and doing your best, but it doesn't seem to make a difference? 
I've been there before, I've spun my wheels and wondered.  God was there with me, it wasn't easy, but we made it through (having a loving wife at your side helps too by the way).

Then there are other times, when things are all falling into place, when answers to prayer seem to come even before you get the chance to ask them.  It feels like you're coasting downhill, no need to pedal that hard even.  God is there too, even when it is easy, and he keeps me humble through it (having a wife who knows you better than anyone helps with the humility too, by the way).

A few recent things to highlight the point:
The Church has been looking into fixing the balcony of Miller Auditorium by adding a railing.  The cost would be several thousand dollars at least.  Yesterday, we hear that a local businessman has most of the materials already lying around and is willing to do the installation for free.  The correct response here is "wow!"  By the way, my secretary/office manager/church clerk was dancing in the office; always knew she had a little Pentecostal in her.

I've also been inundated of late with requests for aid; families in danger of being evicted or having their utilities shut off.  Each is a tough situation; layoffs and job losses are common these days.  After having several in one week (we can't always help resolve them too; it makes it hard, we do what we can), a young man walked into my office and told me the emotional tale of his recent troubles.  Needless to say, it was a tough situation, I didn't know how to help because the troubles seemed beyond our resources (even with the collective church fund we contribute to through Community Services).  I told him to come back the next day while I made a few phone calls.  When he returned it was clear that the weight on his shoulders had dropped overnight.  I hadn't done anything much of yet, but a kindly landlord was willing to be patient about rent and a crisis was averted.  He didn't need my help after all.

Yesterday I saw on Facebook that Mother Holly (St. John's Episcopal in Franklin) needed some extra help to unload a Second Harvest food truck.  I ended up helping a dozen or so people put food into carts and load it into their cars.  Not something terribly demanding, but very rewarding.  It was a chance to talk with each person as they went around the line getting their food, to find out about their troubles, and offer them hope for the future.

By the way, that was just some of this week's news; God, it seems, is busy these days.

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