Monday, July 4, 2011

With much Freedom, comes much responsibility

As Americans once again celbrate our independence this July 4th with all of the variety and excitement of such a free people, I was reminded of a line from the movie Spiderman.  Peter Parker's uncle Ben tells him, "with great power comes great responsibility".  The same notion holds true for each and every American.  We have been given, by Almighty God and the sacrifices of those who fought for this country, a measure of freedom that would have been beyond the imagining of the writers of the New Testament.  They lived in a world where constraints upon each person's choices were commonplace.  People couldn't live where they wanted to, they couldn't choose the occupation they desired, and they certainly didn't enjoy much in the way of religious, speech, or political rights.  Slavery was commonplace in our world until recent history.  Participation in the political process was reserved for only a select powerful few.
All of this began to change with the American Revolution, and just as important, the Bill of Rights.  It was not an easy road; we too have prejudice and denial of rights in our nation's history, but the end result is a nation in which each man and woman enjoys immense freedom.  The question then becomes, what do we do with this freedom?  How do we live as free men and women?  The Apostle Paul wrote to the Churches in Galitia about the new freedom that Christian enjoyed to live according to the dictates of their conscience.  He reminded them that, "You, my brothers, were called to be free.  But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love." (Galatians 5:13)  Freedom is the birthplace of service to others.  It is when we are the most free that we must choose to set aside our own indulgences to serve others.  This is the great responsibility that comes with freedom.
As men and women created by God, we will all stand before the throne of God and answer for how we served others.  As Americans, we will also answer for how we used this extraordinary gift of freedom.  Did we use our freedom to indulge in selfish pursuits, or did we show gratitude to our Maker by using our gift of freedom to help others? 
Today is our independence today.  Celebrate the freedom that we enjoy with joy and passion, but also remember that as Jesus said, "from everyone who has been given much, much will be required" (Luke 12:48)

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