Thursday, September 16, 2010

A seed planted years ago...

When I was in college I spent some time working with three siblings whose family situation brought them to the attention of the community mental health organization. I was given the chance to work with these kids and try to be a type of big brother for them for about a year. When it was over I lost track of them...just recently I received a letter from the youngest of these three who had experienced an even more difficult childhood after I finished working with them. Long story short, this young many is about two years into a prison term at the prison about six miles from my home. It has been about 13 years since I had heard from any of them, but this young many remembered me and wanted to see if I could help him with the upcoming transition to the life he hopes to lead after his release. I don't think that the work that I did was all that special; I was just trying to be one small influence for good in the lives of these kids who sadly had none. And yet, the Lord planted a seed in this young man's heart. Now an opportunity for the both of us appears. I have the chance to pick up where I left off and once again try to be a good influence in this man's (now, he was a kid before) life. As a pastor I can also get in to visit him as well, something I hope to do soon.
How do we know what the Lord has in store for us? How do we know what will happen to the seeds that we scatter? The answer is that we don't know. The only thing for certain is that if we don't take the chance and sow some seed, nothing will grow. If we do step out of our comfort zone; take some chances, and see what the Lord will do, amazing things can happen. Remember, God wants you to plant some seeds, he's the master farmer, he'll make them grow.

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