Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A new direction, the same ministry

I've decided to make a change in direction with my ministry that will allow me to better support my family and maintain my ministry at the First Baptist Church of Palo...I will be joining the Army Reserves as a Chaplain Candidate and re-enrolling at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary for the spring Semester. After I finish there, about 3 years, I will begin serving as either an active duty or reserve Chaplain for the Army. I've always held tremendous respect for the men and women of our nation's military and I know the toll that their service can take on them and on their families. As my friend Zach (Capt. 101st) seeks to heal their bodies through medicine, I will seek to heal their souls through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't claim any particular talents, just simply a desire to give something back in the process of moving my ministry forward. Thanks to all of you who have prayed for me in the past, I continue to count upon the support of the faithful in this transition period (I will be doing the one weekend a month thing throughout working alongside a chaplain). Whatever God has in store for Nicole and I, he will provide the way to serve Him.

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