Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The last time the World was supposed to end...

I've been reading Tom Holland's The Forge of Christendom: The End of Day and the Epic Rise of the West which focuses on the End Times fascination and/or hysteria that occured throughout Christendom in and around the turning of the Millenium (1000 AD).  The book is excellent, and it reminds me that throughout Christian history there have been voices crying out that their particular generation had become so corrupt and morally bankrupt that surely the return of Christ was imminent.  And yet the world continues to turn and the day and hour that only the Father knows is not yet upon us. 
One of the interesting aspects of Holland's book is the numerous reminders that Churchmen KNEW that knowledge of the specific Day of the LORD was forbidden, that only the Father knows (and he isn't sharing that one).  And yet, those same priest and bishops went on to speculate to their flocks or interested kings that the End Times were upon us because of all of the "signs"
We certainly aren't immune to that same specualtion fever.  During my early years the Soviet Union was portrayed as the Evil Empire that woud rise up behind the Anti-Christ; when the Soviets crumbled a new home needed to be found...Fast forward to 9/11, another event that was portrayed as a sign of the beginning of the end...And yet, speculation of this nature continues to be dangerous or at least futile.  It conditions Christians to give up fighting for their communities, to assume that decay is inevitable and that we're doomed to failure. 
This generation is certainly corrupt, we've perfected the art of killing the unborn child and passing it off as convenience (like one-hour photo), we've embraced the destruction of marriage and enshrined the celebration of sexual immorality.  We've done all this and more, but we're not better or not worse than the generations that came before us.  When your grandparents were kids their parents were decrying the corruption of the youth and worrying about the future.  And yet God always sparks a revival through the faith of his people, God gives us a chance to swing the pendulum back toward righteousness and justice.  Our God is a God of restoration and hope; as his people, we must be ministers of hope and renewal.
When is Christ coming back, you'll never hear me speculating, I have no idea.  I'm here to do the work of the Lord today, I'll let God decide the future.

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