Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The ungodly growth of Holocaust Denial

The Holocaust which occurred during World War II is the most attested event in the history of mankind.  It is more readily demonstrated than the Moon Landing and the tragedy of 9/11, two of history's other most documented events.  It can be proven to be a FACT by countless documents, photographs, videos, eye witness testimonies, forensic evidence, and of course the grisly structures left behind, including the 110 Concentration Camps (most of which would go on to become Death Camps whose sole purpose was the elimination of undesirable human beings). 

The primary advocates and executioners of Hitler's Final Solution were German Nazis who were assisted by millions of average German civilians, but they also had easily proven assistance from collaborators in every country occupied by the Reich during its short reign of terror.  There were French collaborators, Dutch, Belgian, Czech, Austrian, Bulgarian, Italian, Norwegian, Greek, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, and yes Polish collaborators too.  This is not an insult to the pride of those nations, just a simple fact, had the United States been under the Nazi jackboot, there would have been plenty of willing Americans helping the Nazi murder American Jews.  There were resistance fighters, brave men and women who stood up against the Nazi war machine in each of those countries, many of whom were ruthlessly hunted down and killed by the Gestapo, but we are lying to ourselves and rewriting history to deny that there were also people throughout Europe, of every nationality, ethnicity, and religious group, who were willing to help the Nazis exterminate the Jews.

Why is this already proven FACT of history relevant today?  The government of Poland has just made it illegal, punishable by up to three years in jail, to state that Poland was anything other than a victim of the Germans by noting the sad fact that some Poles were happy to help the Germans kill their Jewish neighbors.  (Poland's Holocaust Innocence Law)  The world will be shocked by this obvious xenophobic appeal to nationalism by a government that is turning its back on its hard won democracy and embracing authoritarianism, but that shock will wane over time, and the rising tide of Holocaust Denial, particularly in Europe, will continue.

Time will tell if the truth and facts will win out over self-serving lies in the modern world.  The internet has made it possible to verify virtually any fact, but also possible to deny any fact that one doesn't like the implications of. 

What impact does this have upon the Church?  We ought to be able to see the danger.  The Church proclaims the Gospel, a message built upon historical facts, relying upon belief in absolute Truth, and antithetical to the notion that as human beings we have the right to create our own truth/facts.  A world in which the Holocaust is denied is a world hostile to the Gospel, for that reason alone the Church must oppose Holocaust Denial.  Beyond self-interest, however, lies a moral obligation to defend the Truth, to speak on behalf of those murdered by hate, and to continue to accurately and fully proclaim the evil in the heart of man that enabled this darkest moment in human history, lest it arise once more to murder again in the name of Antisemitism.

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