Thursday, January 28, 2021

The Myth of a Christian Nation - by Gregory Boyd: a summary and response

"If we don't declare that this barbaric religious version of the kingdom of the world was not, and is not, the kingdom of God, who will?" (p. 82) Atheists will, the disaffected and downtrodden who have been disappointed by, or worse yet, preyed upon by, the Church will also point out its flawed relationship with power, and so will apologists for Islam, Hinduism, and other religions.  We, the disciples of Jesus Christ, need to defend the Gospel by calling out the sins of the past and, warn of the dangers of the present, for a Church tempted to use 'power over' (to use Boyd's phrase) to obtain obedience by force.

The status quo is not acceptable.  This is Pastor Gregory Boyd's call to action from his 2005 book, The Myth of a Christian Nation: How the Quest for Political Power is Destroying the Church.  If that call was urgent in 2005, it is critical in 2021, the Church in America has moved in the intervening decade and a half decisively toward a deeper pursuit of earthly power, toward a us vs. them, win at all cost, mentality.  Why does the relationship between the Church and power (Boyd often refers to power as 'the Sword') matter so much?  Pastor Boyd illustrates the danger by referring to J.R.R. Tolkien (always a plus), "Much like the magical ring in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, the sword has a demonic power to deceive us.  When we pick it up, we come under its power.  It convinces us that our use of violence is a justified means to a noble end.  It intoxicates us with the unquenchable dream of redemptive violence and blinds us to our own iniquities, thereby making us feel righteous in overpowering the unrighteousness of others." (p. 83-84)

Let us circle back to the beginning and examine the foundation that led Boyd to compare the Church's relationship with Power to the corruption of the One Ring.

1. "I believe a significant segment of American evangelicalism is guilty of nationalistic and political idolatry.  To a frightful degree, I think, evangelicals fuse the kingdom of God with a preferred version of the kingdom of the world." (p. 11)

The distinction between the Kingdom of God, a kingdom built upon a covenant with God and maintained by love and self-sacrifice (which Boyd refers to as 'power under'), and the Kingdom of the World, the system controlled by Satan and predicated on 'power over' others is key to understanding Boyd's concern for the health of the Church.  When Christ founded the Church, he never intended it to be a part of the kingdom of the world, to vie for power and control by its methods, and certainly not to play by its rules.

2. "fusing together the kingdom of God with this or any other version of the kingdom of the world is idolatrous and that this fusion is having serious negative consequences for Christ's church and for the advancement of God's kingdom.  I do not argue that those political positions are either wrong or right.  Nor do I argue that Christians shouldn't be involved in politics...The issue is far more fundamental than how we should vote or participate in government.  Rather, I hope to challenge the assumption that finding the right political path has anything to do with advancing the kingdom of God." (p. 11-12)

There has been a long running debate in America about whether or not this particular nation was founded as a 'Christian' nation.  For Boyd, that argument misses the point, because NO nation has ever been founded or proclaimed as a Christian nation.  He doesn't cite examples, but that would include Calvin's Geneva, Cromwell's Commonwealth, or Byzantium.  Why?  Not by looking at the statements or principles of the founders or leaders of such nations, but by looking at the divergence that must exist between any kingdom of the world, no matter what type of government it may be, and the kingdom of God founded by Jesus and carried forward by his disciples.  

Governments exist to constrain human behavior, to protect the weak from the strong, to prevent a descent into a Lord of the Flies mentality.  They must therefore, properly, use force, even lethal force, to function.  Jesus of Nazareth had no intention of founding such a kingdom, he avoided taking sides in the political debates of his day, and he commanded his disciples to conquer the world through acts of love and service, not coercion and violence.  Governments can be a force for good, they can achieve morally desirable ends like justice, but they cannot advance the kingdom of God, for the tools they have to work with are not God's, the goals they hope to achieve are not God's, and the hope they have for the future is not the culmination of God's will for which the Church yearns.  

3. "The character and rule of God is manifested when instead of employing violence against his enemies to crush them, Jesus loves his enemies in order to redeem them." (p. 34)

Examples of this from Jesus are many, but one will suffice to illustrate the point.  When Jesus was confronted in the Garden of Gethsemane by a hostile mob and a betraying disciple, Peter stepped forward and cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest (John 18:10).  Peter had previously resisted Jesus' plan of self-sacrifice, even going so far as to tell Jesus that he was wrong, earning a stinging rebuke from his rabbi.  How does Jesus respond to this violent act?  He heals the man, Malchus, and allows himself to be captured (while ensuring his disciples can flee) knowing that the road to Calvary is mere hours away.  

"The point is that love, through service, has a power to affect people in ways that 'power over' tactics do not, and it is this unique power of self-sacrificial love that most centrally defines the kingdom of God.  Insofar as we trust this kind of power and thank and act accordingly, we are bearers of the kingdom of God.  Insofar as we do not, we are simply participants in the kingdom of the world." (p. 38-39)

Turning the other cheek, praying for our enemies, doing good to those who hate us, none of that is easy.  "If this teaching sounds impractical and irrational - to the point where we might want to come up with clever rationalizations to get around it - this is simply evidence of how much we have bought into the thinking of the kingdom of the world." (p. 42)

Why was the non-violent passive resistance of Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement so shocking?  That this use of Jesus inspired tactics to work for change stands out so much as an outlier from both American and Church history illustrates just how rarely the Church has followed Jesus' example of changing the world through a self-sacrificial example rather than by force.

4. "disciples of Jesus aren't to act first and foremost on the basis of what seems practical or effective at securing good outcomes.  We are to act on the basis of what is faithful to the character and reign of God, trusting that, however things may appear in the short term, in the long run God will redeem the world with such acts of faithfulness." (p. 43)

"Its not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game", except this is no game.  Here is another place where governments and the Church must part company.  Governments seek to achieve their own goals and purposes through the means they think will be most effective, here and now in this world.  They work with probabilities.  The Church is called to NOT let such considerations change its moral character.  We are called to serve, to sacrifice, whether or not that service and sacrifice are rewarded, whether or not that service and sacrifice seem to be the path to 'winning', even if that moral service appears to be losing spectacularly.  Why?  Because Jesus did.  Because Jesus told us to imitate him.  Because we trust in God.

5. "Whatever our own opinions about how the kingdom of the world should run, whatever political or ethical views we may happen to embrace, our one task as kingdom-of-God disciples is to fight for people, and the way we do it is by doing exactly what Jesus did." (p. 48-49)

"Conservative religious people involved in kingdom-of-the-world thinking often believe that their enemies are the liberals, the gay activists, the ACLU, the pro-choice advocates, the evolutionists, and so on.  On the opposite side, liberal religious people often think that their enemies are the fundamentalists, the gay bashers, the Christian Coalition, the antiabortionists, and so on.  Demonizing one's enemies is part of the tit-for-tat game of Babylon, for only by doing so can we justify our animosity, if not violence, toward them.  What we have here are two different religious versions of the kingdom of the world going at each other.  If we were thinking along the lines of the kingdom of God, however, we would realize that none of the people mentioned in the above lists are people whom kingdom-of-God citizens are called to fight against.  They are, rather, people whom kingdom-of-God citizens are called to fight for." (p. 48)

The trenches are deeper, the no-man's land is more dangerous, and the attacks are more vicious than they were in 2005.  The Culture War rages on, it is a war that can never be won, only waged, and the ability to see 'them' as fellow Americans instead of the enemy who will destroy America if they are allowed to 'win' grows dim.  On January 6th, 2021, a violent mob stormed the U.S. capital intent upon stopping the peaceful transfer of power in part because they believe that 'they' will destroy America and that only 'we' can save it.  

I know from personal experience that a significant portion of self-professed Christians with a conservative political viewpoint view self-professed Christians with a liberal political viewpoint as illegitimate Christians, primarily on the basis of those political viewpoints.  Pastor John MacArthur made headlines before the 2020 election when he declared that all true Christians MUST vote for the Republican party.  {Beware of the Political Church: John MacArthur declares, "any real true believer" can only vote one way.}  There are, undoubtedly, self-professed Christians with a liberal political viewpoint who feel the same way about John MacArthur and those who share his conservative politics.  Families and Churches have been torn asunder, friendships strained or ruined, because politics has become a war between two nearly evenly divided groups with disparate visions of America, in 2020 that war started looking more and more literal, as violence grew and blood flowed.

At this point, the question asked by most self-professed Christians is: Will my version of America prevail, will we win?  The question which two few are willing to consider is: Should we be fighting this war, what damage is it doing to the witness of the Gospel?  Like America's involvement in Vietnam and the War on Terror, the continuation of the war has become its own goal, no objective achieved is sufficient to lessen the vehemence, no method of fighting is off limits because 'they' cannot be allowed to 'win'; no matter what.  For millions of church going Americans, an America that does not conform to our cultural expectations is akin to the end of the Republic, as such morality as a judge of our actions to prevent this catastrophe must take a back seat to expediency.  The danger of this line of thinking has increased significantly since 9/11, it is not Islamic terrorists that most worry us, but fellow Americans.  Can this possibly be a healthy environment for the Gospel to be heard? 

6. "there's simply nothing invisible, or hidden about the kingdom of God.  It always looks like Jesus...It always has a servant quality to it, and in this fallen world in which individuals, social groups, and nations are driven by self-interest, this sort of radical unconditional, and scandalous love is anything but invisible." (p. 52-53)

One of the reasons why the Church has at times confused itself with the kingdom of the world is that it has not always remembered what it is supposed to be.  Those of us called to be disciples of Jesus Christ are not simply called to be 'better' than our neighbors who are non-Christians, but radically different because of the transformation of our bodies, minds, and spirits by "the washing of rebirth and the renewal by the Holy Spirit." (Titus 3:5) 

7. "Not everything about the kingdom of the world is bad.  Insofar as versions of the kingdom of the world use their power of the sword to preserve and promote law, order, and justice, they are good.  But the kingdom of the world, by definition, can never be the kingdom of God...To be sure, a version of the kingdom of the world that effectively carries out law, order, and justice is indeed closer to God's will for the kingdom of the world...But no version of the kingdom of the world is closer to the kingdom of God...The kingdom of God is not an ideal version of the kingdom of the world; it's not something that any version of the kingdom of the world can aspire toward or be measured against.  The kingdom of God is a completely distinct, alternative way of doing life." (p. 54-55)

This is the heart of Pastor Boyd's thesis, no matter how morally upright a particular government is in both theory and practice, it is no more like the kingdom of God than the worst of human governments.  They are apples and oranges.  In practical terms a 'good' government is far superior from the perspective of its people than a 'bad' one, but not in spiritual terms.  The role, means/tools, and goals of any government are divergent from the role, means/tools, and goals of the Church, and this is not something that we can overcome at the ballot box, for it is by design, God's. 

"we know that however good a particular version of the kingdom of the world may be, it does not hold the ultimate answer to the world's problems." (p. 55).  The inherent flaw in socialism/communism is the assumption that government can change human nature, but this same delusion exists (perhaps to a lesser degree) among those who believe that America as a 'Christian Nation' will enter into some sort of Golden Age if only the next election is won, or the next Supreme Court decision goes our way.

8. "Jesus would simply not allow the world to set the terms of his engagement with the world.  This explains how (and perhaps why) he could call Matthew, a tax collector, as well as Simon, a zealot, to be his disciples...we never find a word in the Gospels about their different political opinions.  Indeed, we never read a word about what Jesus thought about their radically different kingdom-of-the-world views.  What this silence suggests is that, in following Jesus, Matthew and Simon had something in common that dwarfed their individual political differences in significance, as extreme as these differences were...What are we to make, then, of the fact that the evangelical church is largely divided along political lines?  The Christian position is declared to be Matthew's among conservatives, Simon's among liberals.  While Jesus never sided with any of the limited and divisive kingdom-of-the-world options routinely set before him, the church today, by and large, swallows them hook, line, and sinker." (p. 62-63)

How Jesus conducted his business should be important to the Church, right?  Remember, Jesus called his disciples, that means he wanted both a collaborationist, Matthew, and a revolutionary, Simon, to be part of his training program, his Church to be.  In the end, both Matthew's and Simon's answers to the pressing issues of the day fell far short of Jesus transformative vision.  For Jesus, the question was not, 'Should we work with Rome or against it?" because Rome was neither the problem nor the solution to the gulf that existed between a holy and righteous God and sinful humanity, and to bridge that gap was the reason why the Messiah came.

And yet, the Church has often found itself mired in these kinds of secondary questions, taking sides against itself, even violently, for the sake of kingdom-of-the-world questions.  "What this suggests is that the church has been co-opted by the world...We've allowed the world to define us, set our agenda, and define the terms of our engagement with it.  We've accepted the limited and divisive kingdom-of-the-world options and therefore mirror the kingdom-of-the-world conflicts." (p. 64)

The Kingdom of God is supposed to look like Jesus, act like Jesus, be like Jesus.  Can we honestly say that waging the Culture War, from whichever side you happen to be on, has made us more Christ-like?

9. "we are to remember always that our real citizenship is in heaven (Phil. 3:20)...that we cannot serve two masters (Luke 16:13).  Our allegiance, therefore, can never be to any version of the kingdom-of-the-world, however much better we may think it is than any other versions of the kingdom-of-the world...preserving this 'alien status' is not an addendum to our calling as kingdom-of-God citizens; it belongs to the essence of what it means to be a kingdom-of-God citizen...We utterly trivialize this profound biblical teaching if we associate our peculiar holiness with a pet list of religious taboos (such as smoking, drinking, dancing, gambling, and so on).  No, the holiness the New Testament is concerned with is centered on being Christlike, living in outrageous, self-sacrificial love." (p. 70-71)

Chanting "U.S.A!! U.S.A!!" may feel great, especially in a big fired-up crowd, but it is at best a temporary allegiance.  For every Christian the allegiance that will last, that really matters in the end, is to God.  Once we accept that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lord, that his vicarious death is our hope and salvation, our earthly citizenship, in whatever nation it may be, shrinks profoundly in comparison.  That is not to say that a Christian can't take pride in his/her earthly citizenship or serve that country faithfully in a way that pleases God, but that devotion must have limits, and those limits must fall categorically short of the devotion to Jesus Christ that God requires of us.  

Once we have embraced the perspective that our true citizenship comes first, we can see that our obligations to that citizenship run far deeper than culturally influenced questions of public morality, as important as some of those may be, to the very core of our lives.  This is no easy task, it is far simpler to simply go with the flow and concern ourselves with the things that our particular slice of American culture concerns itself with, but this is not enough, the price with which we were purchased, the precious blood of Jesus, demands more.

 10. "Tragically, the history of the church has been largely a history of believers refusing to trust the way of the crucified Nazarene and instead giving in to the very temptation he resisted.  It's the history of an institution that has frequently traded its holy mission for what it thought was a good mission.  It is the history of an organization that has frequently forsaken the slow, discrete, nonviolent, sacrificial way of transforming the world for the immediate, obvious, practical, less costly way of improving the world." (p. 75)

What would we accomplish, whether we be liberal or conservative Christians, if 'our side' had the political power to do whatever we wanted?  We spend so much time chasing the car, we don't stop to think what we would do with it if we caught it.  We would, perhaps, make a number of improvements, but we would also produce unintended consequences and backlashes.  Our best case scenario (and there's NO guarantee that that is what we would get if 'we' had absolute power, in fact, Lord Acton's maxim predicts greater corruption with greater power) is a better state/country/world.  As laudable a goal as a better world may be, and it is certainly worth working toward, it is a goal far below the calling of the Church, which is why it is a tragedy each and every time that the Church compromises its unique holy mission to fill the banquet hall for the wedding supper of the Lamb, in order to take hold of the crumbs that are available now.

11. What did the Church do with power once it had it?  "the reigning church as a whole - 'Christendom' - acted about as badly as most versions of the kingdom of the world...Throughout the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance, millions were burned at the stake, hung, beheaded, or executed in other ways for resisting some aspect of the church's teaching or for failing to operate under its authority.  Thousands upon thousands were tortured in unthinkable ways in an attempt to elicit a confession of faith in the Savior and the church...So long as they remained a persecuted minority, Reformers generally decried the use of violence for religious purposes.  But once given the power of the sword, most used it as relentlessly as it had previously been used against them...It wasn't until the bloodshed became economically unbearable and unfeasible in the Thirty Years' War that a truce (the Peace of Westphalia) was called and Christians agreed, at least theoretically, to end the violence." (p. 78-79)

Many of my Christian friends and family, people I know and love, crave more power for 'our side' to protect the Church and extend its influence.  My question in response is simple: show me one example from history where this acquisition of power benefited the Church without corrupting it.  Calvin's Geneva burned a heretic at the stake.  Salem held witch trials.  And far more damning than these examples, 'Christendom' led millions of its citizens to slaughter in nationalistic wars of territorial aggrandizement, exterminated the American Indians and enslaved millions of Africans, with only a few small feeble voices in protest.  Europe at the height of its global power, when its churches were full on Sunday, bore an enormous blood guilt, and so did its colonies the world over.  If more evidence is needed, don't forget the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Holocaust.  Power has not enhanced the progress of the Gospel, it has hindered it in ways we don't even realize and to an extent we would be shamed to understand.

I know what you're thinking, "this time it will be different, we won't make the same mistakes again", but that's what John Hammond told himself after the dinosaurs had run amok and started eating people.  You can't tweak Jurassic Park to make it safe, the only solution is to stop trying to recreate dinosaurs.  The last two thousand years is an ample sample size, the Church and Power are oil and water, they don't mix.  As Peter Parker's Uncle Ben said, "With great power comes great responsibility", the Church hasn't proven to be a worthy holder of great power.

12.  How did things go so wrong for the Church once it had power?  "it frequently justified doing tremendously evil things.  The moment worldly effectiveness replaces faithfulness as the motive for an individual's or institution's behavior, they are no longer acting on behalf of the kingdom of God but are participating in the kingdom of the world.  The so-called good end will always be used to justify the evil means for those thinking with a kingdom-of-the-world mindset...the Christian version of the kingdom of the world was actually the worst version the world has ever seen.  For this was the version of the kingdom of the world that did the most harm to the kingdom of did this under the banner of Christ...In the name of the one who taught us to take up the cross, the church often took up the sword and nailed others to the cross.  Hence, in the name of winning the world for Jesus Christ, the church often became the main obstacle to believing in Jesus Christ." (p. 80-81)

This discussion is not an academic debate, if our goal is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, obtaining worldly power for the Church is the WORST way to do it.  How attractive is the Gospel to survivors of the Imperialism of 'Christendom'?  How eager are those tortured by men with cloak's emblazoned with a cross to believe that Jesus loves them?  The last line of that quote is stunning, and maybe you've never considered it, but it is also been true far too often.  As Gandhi said, "I'd be a Christian if it were not for the Christians."

When the Church, and/or individual Christians, lend their name to the actions of the State, declaring that they act in God's name or to fulfill his will, they smear the Gospel with the evils that result.  How do I know that there will be evils?  Human nature. 

The true marvel is not that 1/3 of the people of the world claim to be Christians, making us wonder why that number is not higher given that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, but that 1/3 of the people of the world are still willing to be called Christians given how poorly those who claimed to follow Christ acted in the past, and how unimpressive many of those same followers are in the present.

As an aside, this critique extends beyond the interactions of the Church with governmental power to the acquisition of power by the Church in general.  The clergy sex abuse scandal was enabled to be orders of magnitude worse because of the power disparity between the evil clergy who perpetuated it and their powerless victims.  We, as a Church, will be dealing with the fallout of that failure for centuries, for the Church allowed it to happen, was slow to recognize it, and slow to correct it.  

13. "The best way to defeat the kingdom of God is to empower the church to rule the kingdom of the world - for then it becomes the kingdom of the world!  The best way to get people to lay down the cross is to hand them the sword!" (p. 94-95)

That pretty much says it, you can't hold the cross and the sword at the same time.  For my fellow D&D geeks, the cross is a two-handed weapon, and so is the sword, you can't dual-wield them.  If you're not into RPG's just ignore that last sentence.

14. "If we are to take America back for God, it must have once belonged to God, but it's not at all clear when this golden Christian age was...Were the God-glorifying years the ones in which whites massacred these natives by the millions...Was the golden age before, during, or after white Christians loaded five to six million Africans on cargo ships to bring them to their newfound country...There was nothing distinctively Christlike about the way America was 'discovered', conquered, or governed in the early years." (p. 98-99)

It is tempting to say, "I'm a white American, but I didn't have anything to do with that, my ancestors weren't in this country until much later."  In fact, one of my first ancestors in America fought in the Civil War, for the North.  But we still have a problem.  Those actions were undertaking by self-professed Christians, by those claiming to represent Jesus.  I would contend that a significant number of them were not true followers of Jesus Christ as evidenced by the hatred in their hearts, but the fact remains that their actions have tarnished the name of Jesus precisely because they let it be known that America was a 'city upon a hill', a beacon of hope in the world while at the same time not living up to their lofty words.

This conclusion will be a gut punch to many Christians today, but it is the truth and we need to face it: "the issue of what various founding fathers personally believed is really irrelevant to the issue at hand.  For even if they believed they were in some sense establishing a Christian nation, as some maintain, it remains perfectly clear that it never has actually looked like Christ.  We have only to listen to the voices of nonwhites throughout our history to appreciate this fact."

"When we suggest that this nation was once Christian, we participate in the racist and demonic deceit that Douglass poignantly exposes." (p. 101)  It doesn't matter if the Founding Fathers talked about God or gave him credit for the rights they espoused, they didn't act like Christ toward either the Indians or the enslaved Africans; actions speak louder than words.

15. "When we clearly and consistently separate the kingdom of God from all versions of the kingdom of the world, we are in a position to affirm the good as well as the bad of American history without having to defend it as Christian." (p. 102)

It is a trap of our own making.  When we seek to defend the Church by proclaiming that America has always been a Christian nation and must therefore continue to be one, we must take ownership of America's immoral baggage.  This leads to two equally unpalatable actions: denial of the facts of history thereby embracing dishonesty, or downplaying of the horrors of history, thereby embracing moral relativism (and being jerks in the process).  Neither path is acceptable, but we've all seen them used repeatedly, and many of us have fallen into this trap. 

16. "To promote law, order, and justice is good, and we certainly should do all we can to support this.  But to love enemies, forgive transgressors, bless persecutors, serve sinners, accept social rejects, abolish racist walls, share resources with the poor, bear the burden of neighbors, suffer with the oppressed - all the wile making no claims to promote oneself - this is beautiful; this is Christlike.  Only this, therefore, is distinct kingdom-of-God activity." (p. 103)

Look at that list.  Be honest, it is daunting.  What God has called us to is higher than what America can offer.  As honorable as it is to serve one's country with integrity, and I certainly honor those who do, it isn't enough for Christians; we are called to more, to Christlikeness.

What Pastor Boyd is also making here is an important distinction between the work that God assigned to the kingdoms-of-the-world (i.e. human governments) such as law, order, and justice, and the work that Jesus assigned to his followers such as loving one's enemies and suffering with the oppressed.  The former work can be accomplished, at least in part, by any government, even one we would rate as 'bad'.  The latter, the things commanded by Jesus of his disciples, can only be accomplished in any real and consistent way by those  empowered by the Holy Spirit.  Some of our confusion, perhaps, stems from the theocracy that God created with the Law of Moses, in that combined government/religion some of these things were melded together.  The Church, however, is not Israel {It seems like I write/say that a lot, but it bears repeating}.  The New Covenant is not the same as the old, it did not establish a nation, but called men and women out from all nations.  If we attempt to 'take back America for God', we are attempting to recreate the Old Covenant, but as Christians those are not our promises from God, we operate under the New.

17. "the myth of a Christian nation harms global missions" (p. 108)

If we act as if America = Christian, so will the rest of the world.  When missionaries share the Gospel in foreign nations the reception of that message will be heavily influenced by whether or not the people on the receiving end have a positive or negative view of America.  "when we associate Jesus with America, even in the most remote ways, we legitimize the widespread global perception that the Christian faith can be judged on the basis of what America has done in the past or continues to do in the present.  Now, this isn't all bad.  America has done and continues to do good things around the world, for which we should be thankful.  But it's also done some bad things...Not only does America represent greed, violence, and sexual immorality to them, but they view America as exploitive and opportunistic." (p. 109-110)  That's a tough pill to swallow.  Many of us love America, really love it, and have good reasons for doing so, thus it becomes hard for us to understand that people in other nations might not.  Whether or not they should is beside the point, that we've made their attitude about America part of the process of sharing the Gospel is our fault.  "it has become humanly impossible for many around the globe to hear the good news as good.  Instead, because of its kingdom-of-the-world associations, they hear the gospel as bad news, as American news, exploitive capitalistic news, greedy news, violent news, and morally decadent news.  They can't see the beauty of the cross because everything the American flag represents to them is in the way." (p. 110).

Did that paragraph make you angry?  "How dare they!  Love it or leave it!"  'Love it or leave it' is dangerous as a political slogan here in America, it is rampant idolatry to impose that standard upon people who happen to live in other countries who need the Gospel.  America and Jesus cannot be a package deal, but we've made it that for many around the globe by insisting that America was, and is, a Christian nation, if you don't love America, no need to consider that Jesus loves you.  There is need here, serious need, for the Church in America to repent of adding, even inadvertently, a barrier to the Gospel because we have made an idol of America.

18. "Not only are foreign missions harmed by the pervasive myth of a Christian nation, missionary work inside our own country has been harmed, for this foundational myth reinforces the pervasive misconception that the civil religion of Christianity in America is real Christianity." (p. 111)

Virtually every nation has a civil religion, from ancient Rome to America today.  This civil religion is part of the shared culture, affecting things like holidays, history and values.  Pastor Boyd has no qualms with declaring that the civil religion of America has been Christianity from the start, there is plenty of evidence of Christian influence upon American history.  Attending church, at least at Christmas and Easter, has felt like an American thing to do for generations.  "Problems arise, however, when kingdom people fail to see that civil religion is simply an aspect of the kingdom of the world." (p. 112)  Things like prayer in schools, "In God we trust" on our coins and "One nation under God" in our pledge are examples of civil religion in America, not kingdom of God examples of Christianity.  This veneer of Christian symbols and expressions has led many Christians to assume that missionary activity is for foreign lands because most everyone here is already a Christian.  "I believe this sentiment is rooted in an illusion.  if you peel back the face of civil religion, you find that America is about as pagan as any country we could ever send missionaries to." (p. 113)

In the end, our Culture War to protect the civil religion of America has become a serious distraction.  If we win these political fights, what will we gain?  If we win, what will it cost?  Kingdom of God work has always been harder and more self-sacrificial than what civil religion requires.  It is telling that both Soren Kierkegaard and Dietrich Bonhoeffer could see the danger of a society where everyone is assumed to be a Christian based on a civil religion test, Kierkegaard going so far as to say that "the worst form of apostasy the Christian faith can undergo is to have it become simply an aspect of the culture." (p. 115, a paraphrase of Kierkegaard)

Winning the Culture War doesn't change hearts, only self-sacrificial kingdom work that inspires the acceptance of the Gospel's transforming power can accomplish that.  "As U.S. citizens we have a civil right to influence the political system.  But in following our consciences, we must never forget where our real power - our distinctly kingdom power - lies." (p. 119) Let me offer a local concrete example.  Supporting Emmaus Haven, Mustard Seed Missions, or ABC Life Center, three of our local para-church charities focusing on outreach to our neighbors in need, will have a much greater impact on the success of the Gospel than whether or not our schools begin each day with a proscribed prayer (an effort I would oppose for this reason: The theology of mandated/compulsory prayer in public schools is atrocious, its implementation would be worse.) or if we continue to have a nativity in the park downtown (an effort I supported, but spent only 1/1000th of the time and effort I've given to support those three charities; perspective is key).  

19. "Precisely because he did not allow the society or the politics of his day to define his ministry, he positioned himself to make a revolutionary prophetic comment, and ultimately have revolutionary impact on the society and politics of his day.  Jesus didn't buy into the limited options the culture placed before him.  He rather exposed ugly injustices in all kingdom-of-the-world options by offering a radically distinct alternative." (p. 120)

Another damaging affect of the myth that America (or any nation) is a Christian nation is the limitation that it places on the role of the Church.  If we exist in a system created by Christians, for Christians, and run by Christian ideals, then we really should choose either option A or option B.  But what if neither A nor B is a morally upright choice?  What if the prophetic choice is C, D, or even E, none of the above?  Since its founding America has been a two party system (more/less).  We are told that to participate in the political process we must join one of two teams and support that team all/nothing.  We are told that certain moral choices are unavailable because 'we don't have the votes' at this time, or because we've traded away that option in the bargaining process.  Jesus rejected both the path of the Sadducees and the Pharisees, both of those willing to compromise their morals to work with Rome, and those willing to rise up in bloody revolt against Rome.  Jesus chose his own path, in part because he wasn't trying to 'fix' the system he was born into.  Some change, for the better, is possible by supporting the Republican party on some issues, and the Democrat party on other issues.  Christians will make those decisions based upon what their conscience dictates, but we cannot simply stop there and assume our work is done, and we most certainly cannot let the two political parties decide for us which issues are important and what we can do about them.

20. "when people who are serious about their Christian faith buy into the myth that America is a Christian nation...they may intentionally or unintentionally position themselves as moral guardians of society, coming to believe it is their job to preserve and promote moral issues - and fix moral problems...Jesus never assumed the position of moral guardian over any individual, let alone over the culture at large." (p. 127-128)

Lest he be misunderstood, Pastor Boyd isn't advocating a withdrawal by Christians from the moral issues of our culture, but rather a much deeper commitment to addressing these issues than is possible through the political process.

Connected to the question of whether or not Christians should act as the moral guardians of their culture is the very important requirements of scripture that we begin any judgment first with ourselves, and then with our own community, that is the Church, next.  The reasons are numerous, including our own call to purity, the need to avoid hypocrisy, and our goal to effectively share the Gospel with those who are not a part of our community already.

What is the proper context for moral judgments?  "In appropriate ecclesial contexts such as these - contexts in which people have entered into a covenantal relationship with a spiritual leader - confronting damaging behavior is sometimes necessary - and expected.  Because the people being confronted have willingly placed themselves under the authority of the one doing the confronting, it is likely to be received as an expression of love and, thus, have positive results.  Outside of such covenantal relationships, however, such confrontations would not likely be received as loving and not likely be beneficial." (p. 129)

I have been criticized, primarily by fellow Christians, for focusing on the moral failures of our own tribe, that is of those who claim to be Christians but live immorally or teach dangerous heresies.  Instead, some have argued, I should focus moral judgment on 'them', our chosen political rivals, because 'they' are the real danger.  I wholeheartedly disagree.  {Friendly Fire? Why examination and censure by Christians belongs primarily on us, not them}  

You may think you have nothing in common with this guy, but to the Lost we often look the same.

21. "when the church sets itself up as the moral police of the culture, we earn the reputation of being self-righteous judgers rather than loving, self-sacrificial servants - the one reputation we are called to have.  While tax collectors and prostitutes gravitated to Jesus because of his magnetic kingdom love, these sorts of sinners steer clear of the church, just as they did the Pharisees, and for the exact same reasons: they do not experience unconditional love and acceptance in our midst - they experience judgment.  The brutal fact is that we Christian are not generally known for our love - for the simple reason that we, like the Pharisees of old, generally judge more than we love."
(p. 133-134)

The people who need the Gospel most like those who share it least.  That's a problem, and we created it.  I myself in years past, and from time to time even now, fall into this trap, but by God's grace I'm making progress.  As the Culture War has grown in intensity and scope, this tendency has exploded in the past generation, and the reputation of the Church among 'sinners' has plummeted.  "For the church to lack love is for the church to lack everything." (p. 134)

22. "when people assume the position of moral guardians of the culture, they invite - they earn! - the charge of hypocrisy...Instead of seeing our own sins as worse than others, we invariably set up a list of sins in which our sins are deemed minor while other people's sins are deemed major." (p. 136)

Why has the evangelical church decided that gay marriage is a hill to die upon, but that heterosexual infidelity and divorce is 'nothing to see here'?  The number of self-professed Christians engaged in sexual sin in America of a heterosexual nature far exceeds the total number of non-heterosexual sexual sins being committed in America, yet one of those two has become a Culture War fight and the other forgotten, only one has inspired efforts to pass legislation and change school curriculum.  The Lost see this hypocrisy.  Those outside of the Church can tell that we're much more comfortable attacking sins we don't think we have than dealing with the sins that we've chosen to condone.  

About 1% of my blog posts are concerned with homosexuality and abortion, but it seems as if 90% of what gets evangelicals riled up, what they are willing to protest, boycott, and vote against are these two issues.  Pastor Boyd isn't advocating abandoning these topics, and neither am I, but until we get the massive imbalance of our attention under control, the Church in America will continue to be viewed, at best, as hypocrites.

Why so much emphasize on these issues?  Some of it is genuine concern for those harmed by them, but much of it is the simple fact that a Culture War needs battles.  It needs new outrages, new fuel for the fire, after all, the next election is never more than two years away.  If you watch Fox News, for example, you'll be told, daily, who is destroying the country, whose immoral behavior is unacceptable, who to hate.  That finger is almost always pointed at 'them', unless for a moment it is pointed at those on 'our' side willing to work with 'them' on some issue.  If your first response is the 'what about-ism' of blaming MSNBC or CNN for a liberal version of this same Culture War, that answer is itself a sign of how deeply the Church has been compromised.  'They' may be the Sadducees, and their unbelief offends us deeply, but 'we' are the Pharisees, and our self-righteous hypocrisy is galling.  Jesus had a bone to pick with both groups.

"We evangelicals may be divorced and remarried several times; we may be as greedy and as unconcerned about the poor and as gluttonous as others in our culture; we may be as prone to gossip and slander and as blindly prejudiced as others in our culture; we may be more self-righteous and as rude as others in our culture - we may even lack love more than others in our culture.  These sins are among the most frequently mentioned sins in the Bible.  But at least we're not gay!" (p. 137-138)  The end result of being a church like this, "it causes multitudes to want nothing to do with the good news we have to offer." (p. 138)

23.  "the myth of the Christian nation...inclines kingdom people to view America as a theocracy, like Old Testament Israel" (p. 147)

There is a portion among Evangelicalism which substitutes Israel for America in the Hebrew Scriptures and appropriates the promises made to Israel as our own (notably, without worrying about the curses that went with the blessings).  I have seen this many times with proclamations of 2 Chronicles 7:14, which promises God's blessing to Israel if the people repent, being transferred, no questions asked, to America as well.  While many who make these assumptions are well meaning, the underlying confusion between the Old Covenant and the New is unhelpful for the Church.  In the New Covenant God's promise is to his people, not to the nations in which they live.  If the Church is not Israel, and we most certainly are not, neither is America, one further step removed from God's promises.

"fallen humans have always tended to fuse religious and nationalistic and tribal interests.  We want  to believe that God is on our side, supports our causes, protects our interests, and ensures our victories - which, in one for or another, is precisely what most of our nationalistic enemies believe." (p. 149)  God was neither for nor against England in WWI, neither for nor against Germany.  The motives of England may have been somewhat more laudable than those of Germany, but that hardly makes the one side holy and the other unholy.  Likewise, in WWII the contrasting motivations and goals were significantly more laudable on the Allied side and immoral on the Axis side, but God was not for one side or the other.  Why not?  Because God's will is to build his own kingdom, to advance the Gospel, and every earthly kingdom, including America even at its best, falls far short of the kingdom of God.

24. "The danger of kingdom people taking the slogan 'one nation under God' too seriously is that we set ourselves up for idolatrous compromise." (p. 151)

The kingdom of God advances through self-sacrificial acts of love, when the Church follows that path it is in little danger of moral compromise.  The United States of America advances itself through the same 'power-over' methods as any other nation, it serves its self-interest, compromising its principles time and time again in the name of realpolitik and self-defense.  The kingdom of God has no enemies to be conquered, for Christ has already won the victory, only forces to contend with; the United States, like every nation on earth, is not so fortunate, it has enemies.  The United States needs a police force, and an army, the Church does not.  

For the sake of protecting America's civil religion (prayer in schools, 'one nation under God', the Culture War's latest battles), the Church has made bedfellows with those who are both personally immoral, and willing to employ immoral means to achieve the 'good' end of protecting the veneer of Christianity as America's 'official religion'.  We have made a bargain, 'let us do evil that good may result'; but scriptures rejects that Faustian deal.  Civil religion has value to a society, but the moment we start compromising our morals to protect it we've fallen too much in love with it and lost perspective.  


The patient is sick, and not getting better.  Pastor Gregory Boyd is correct in that, and his book offers a powerful diagnosis of both the cause of the sickness and the road to a renewed health.  As followers of Jesus Christ our citizenship is in Heaven, our kingdom if not of this world, and the Church needs to reflect that.  But power is a dangerous siren; it has called the Church onto the rocks of self-destruction time and time again.  The worst abuses and greatest shames of the Church involved the exercise of its power in the temporal world, the sword not the cross.  That history is repeating itself in America today, a Church in fear that it might lose its rights and privileges, that America's civil religion might fade away, is grasping after power to defend its position.  The fight is misguided, the weapons being used are immoral, and the Gospel witness to our neighbors and the world is suffering, immensely.  

Will we take a step back from the brink, or plunge ahead like the doomed soldiers heading across No Man's Land to gain a few yards of mud at the cost of something much more precious?  Even if we win this Culture War, we will lose, for both God's Word and Church History proclaim that America as a Christian Nation is anathema to the Gospel. 



Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Sermon Video: Tradition Needs Sincerity - Mark 7:1-8

 When asked why his disciples were not participating in an oral tradition of Judaism that had been passed down through the years by various rabbis, Jesus responds by addressing the real issue: sincerity. Whether or not a tradition has value and should be retained and supported, or is harmful and should be discontinued depends upon two questions: (1) Does it conform to the Word of God? {Or is scripture silent on the issue} (2) Is the tradition being adhered to with sincerity of heart? Traditions in alignment with scripture have value, how much depends on us.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Sermon Video: Jesus walks on the water - Mark 6:45-56

 After taking an evening alone to pray, Jesus walks across the Sea of Galilee as his disciples row across. When they see him they are terrified, but after he assures them that it is him, they remain amazed even as their fear dissipates. Why? "Their hearts were hardened." Even though they had seen numerous miracles from Jesus, the reality of his divinity had still not penetrated their hearts and minds. What Truths is God attempting to communicate to his people today through his Word that they aren't hearing? Where are our hearts/minds hard? Introspection is needed, mentorship and discipleship is necessary. The Church needs to hear God when he speaks, needs to be open to the Spirit, for this need we pray.

Friday, January 15, 2021

The Problem with claiming to be a Prophet: What happens when you're wrong?

I'll confess up front, I'm not comfortable with charismatic expressions of Christianity, never have been.  They don't fit well with either the more stoic tendency of my personality, nor the analytical nature of my thinking.  In fact, in high school I was asked by one of my best friends to accompany him to a charismatic church service because he was interested in a girl but nervous about going to her church.  Baptists are in many ways adjacent to the Charismatic Movement.  A  minority of the people in our churches like to lift their hands when singing, some like to respond to the prayers of others out loud with "Yes, Jesus!" and the like, this affinity is typically even more pronounced among our majority Black congregations.  In my mind, there has always been a significant divide between enthusiastic worship expressions (more of a personality thing) and manifestations of the Spirit like speaking in tongues or faith healing (a question of theology).

Which brings us to recent events and the question of prophets.  You may or may not be aware of it, but a number of prominent "Prophets" in the Charismatic Movement predicted that Donald Trump would win the 2020 election.  Given that there were only two real possibilities, and the advantage that Republicans have thanks to the Electoral College, that was at least a 50/50 shot.  But he didn't win.  Now what?

Until yesterday I had never heard of Jeremiah Johnson of North Carolina, although he has 60k followers on Facebook which is about 6,000 times as many as follow me.  Jeremiah Johnson was one of the ministers who predicted that President Trump would be reelected, evidently because of a dream in which he also predicted that the Dodgers would win the World Series this year, and Amy Coney Barrett would be elevated to the Supreme Court.  As Meatloaf famously said, "Two out of three ain't bad".  Except when it comes to prophecy it isn't.  Two out of three is as bad as two out of one hundred when you claim to be a prophet, we're not talking about stock tips or guessing answers while watching Jeopardy.  Prophecy is supposed to be the sharing of communication from Almighty God, since God exists outside of time as the Alpha and Omega, how can true prophecy every be wrong?  There's the rub.  True prophets are always right if what they're given by God is a prediction concerning the future.  Their words may unfold in unexpected ways, or at unexpected times, but they never fail because true prophets speak God's words and His Word is forever True.

How did Jeremiah Johnson respond to his error?  He actually did the right thing and repented of leading his flock astray on this issue, and took a step back from his involvement in politics with some introspection.  He also notably didn't blame Christians for failing to pray hard enough to 'make God's will happen' (there's a number of theological questions about that notion that are prickly), or tell them to cling to the false hope that the election results will be miraculously changed in the next few days (as some false prophets continue to do).  The result of this public apology and willingness to admit error?

"Over the last 72 hours, I have received multiple death threats and thousands upon thousands of emails from Christians saying the nastiest and most vulgar things I have ever heard toward my family and ministry. I have been labeled a coward, sellout, a traitor to the Holy Spirit, and cussed out at least 500 times. We have lost ministry partners every hour and counting.

After publicly repenting on January 7th, I fully expected to be called a false prophet etc in some circles but I could have never dreamed in my wildest imagination that so much satanic attack and witchcraft would come from charismatic/prophetic people. I have been flabbergasted at the barrage of continued conspiracy theories being sent every minute our way and the pure hatred being unleashed. 

To my great heartache, I’m convinced parts of the prophetic/charismatic movement are far SICKER than I could have ever dreamed of. I truthfully never realized how absolutely triggered and ballistic thousands and thousands of saints get about Donald Trump. It’s terrifying! It’s full of idolatry!"

Jeremiah Johnson's FB feed, the post quoted is from 1/10/21

Jeremiah Johnson's public apology

When you mix false prophecy with fervent political partisanship, the resulting concoction is highly volatile, like nitro glycerin, shaking it is not recommended.  Rather than focus on the question of how so many 'Christians' can justify such hate in the name of Christ, let us ponder the question of prophetic error.  

What does scripture say about the prophets who predict rightly versus prophets whose word fails?

1. Prophets who try to lead the people away from God will not be tolerated.

Deuteronomy 13:1-5  If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a sign or wonder, 2 and if the sign or wonder spoken of takes place, and the prophet says, “Let us follow other gods” (gods you have not known) “and let us worship them,” 3 you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The Lord your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul. 4 It is the Lord your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him. 5 That prophet or dreamer must be put to death for inciting rebellion against the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt and redeemed you from the land of slavery. That prophet or dreamer tried to turn you from the way the Lord your God commanded you to follow. You must purge the evil from among you.

2. God's people are to reject false prophets whose predictions fail to come true.

Deuteronomy 18:14-2214  The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the Lord your God has not permitted you to do so. 15 The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him. 16 For this is what you asked of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said, “Let us not hear the voice of the Lord our God nor see this great fire anymore, or we will die.”

17 The Lord said to me: “What they say is good. 18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. 19 I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name. 20 But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death.”

21 You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?” 22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.

3.  True or false prophets can also be recognized by their morality.

Matthew 7:15-20  “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

4. The claim of being a prophet is no guarantee of a right standing with God.

Matthew 7:22  Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’

5. False prophets are expected and will deceive many.

Matthew 24:24  For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

6. The true prophet speaks for God alone, not himself.

2 Peter 1:20  Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things.

I certainly don't know Jeremiah Johnson well enough to know where he went wrong, his public confession feels like at least a step in the right direction of correcting that error, but in general anyone who claims to be a prophet, that is someone SPEAKING FOR GOD, whose word turns out to be a lie, should clearly be rejected as a prophet.  As I pastor I sometimes misspeak, and I sometimes say things in error, but I've never claimed extra authority as a prophet to tell my congregation a word directly from God.  Those who claim greater authority must accept greater responsibility {Peter Parker's Uncle Ben said something like that}.  The scriptures repeatedly warn the people of God against trusting false prophets.  Israel had to contend with them on a massive scale, both those claiming to speak for the LORD when they did not, and those representing false gods like the prophets of Ba'al that the true prophet Elijah humiliated and then had put to death.  The Church too is warned of the prevalence of false prophets and the need to weigh what someone claiming to speak for God is saying to determine if it is true.

There is a vast difference between attempting to interpret the revealed Word of God enshrined in scripture, what I and many like me attempt to do each week, and presenting yourself as someone with a direct connection to God's words here and now.  When I fail, that's on me, because a correct interpretation of the scriptural passage in question has no doubt been made by many during the history of the Church, but when the supposed prophet fails, that failure calls into question the veracity of God, threatens the faith of those who have followed that prophetic voice, and brings the name of God into disrepute.  To falsely prophecy is no small thing and is in fact extremely troubling, but it should serve as a severe warning to the Charismatic Movement within the Christian Church that Jeremiah Johnson received death threats and profanity laced tirades when he admitted he was wrong, not from those who felt betrayed because they had wrongly trusted him when he was wrong, but for admitting his mistake, from those who would rather believe a false prophecy than objective reality.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

What the 10th Century 'Peace of God' Movement can teach us about our country's embrace of political partisanship and violence

Rapid economic change in 10th Century Western Europe led to instability, which created fertile ground for those with power to press their claims for more power at the expense of the common people.  If I replace 10th Century with 20th-21st and Western Europe with the whole world, the gap between our own predicament and the medieval world narrows considerably.  In their case, the economic change was newfound prosperity after the doldrums of the Dark Ages following the disintegration of the Roman Empire.  In our case, the economic change has been far less favorable to most people, but rapid change opens the door to power moves whether that change be for the better or for the worse.

The patchwork of nobles that controlled Western Europe took advantage of the changing landscape to press their own dynastic claims at the expense of their family rivals leading to endemic small scale warfare.  As Diarmaid MacCulloch tells it in Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years

"One symptom of the reorganization of society's wealth was a great deal of local warfare as rival magnates competed to establish their positions and property rights, or used violence against humble people in order to squeeze revenue and labor obligations from them; this was the era in which a rash of castles began to appear across the continent, centers of military operations and refuges for noblemen." (p. 370)

What was the Church's response to this violence and oppression of the 'least of these' by those who claimed to be followers of Jesus Christ, but acted in self-interested, and often violent, greed instead?

The Church threw its moral authority against the violence and greed, threatening to excommunicate those who failed to keep the peace.

Beginning with the Bishop of Le Puy in 975, local Church leaders organized processions with holy relics and used their moral authority to cajole the feuding nobles into swearing solemn oaths to keep the peace.  Those that hesitated were persuaded by the threat of excommunication to accept the Church's restrictions on which days of the year they could fight without incurring the Church's wrath.  In addition, the Church set itself up as an arbiter where disputes could be resolved without bloodshed.  This movement had the backing of one of the most influential spiritual leaders of the day, Odilo, the abbot of the Cluny monastery, and eventually popes became involved in regulating the peace agreements.  In the end, the Church was not able to eliminate the greed and violent tendencies of the nobles, but they were able to significantly curtail it and limit its impact on the common people.

What then are the lessons for the Church in our own era of economic upheaval and political instability?  

1. The Church needs to stand with the common people, not seek the favor of the powerful.
This should hardly need to be said, given the clear teaching of Jesus Christ on the matter, but sadly we need to be reminded that role and function of pastors/elders/bishops is not to curry the favor of powerful business leaders or politicians, but shepherd the flock of Jesus Christ.  Deference to the powerful is a betrayal of every minister's ordination vows, a sign of unhealthy priorities, and an invitation to moral compromise.  

2. The Church needs to withdraw its recognition/support of 'Christian' leaders/politicians whose behavior besmirches the name of Jesus Christ.
The threat of excommunication doesn't hold much water anymore, and a Church fractured into many pieces has difficulty speaking with one voice, but those in power have little incentive to change their ways when large and powerful churches gladly support their ambitions despite repeated evidences that those they support care little for Christian morality.  Such a reckoning is unlikely to come until churches eliminate their own tolerance for immorality among their own leadership {the plank in our own eye first}, something that sadly is all too common, but it is certainly necessary that they do so as the bond between a Church dedicated to imitating Christ-likeness and powerful people who ignore Christ's teachings, but still claim to be Christians, can only be a marriage that will stain the reputation of the Church.  While there will always be a charlatan like Paula White-Cain willing to embrace/endorse the rich and powerful for mutual gain, respectable Church leaders must walk away from these toxic relationships that benefit those who behave in ways that make a mockery of our faith by given them a veneer of legitimacy that their actions don't deserve.
In the end, Christians simply need to insist upon better leaders by choosing to not support those who demonstrate moral unfitness, whether that be in their own local church, their denominational leadership, or within the political party they support.

3. The Church needs to heal its own divisions and rivalries to allow it to speak with more moral authority.
This is, of course, the hardest of the three.  There are significant portions of the Church today who identify with liberal politicians/causes, and significant portions of the Church today who identify with conservative politicians/causes, MORE STRONGLY than they do with Christians who disagree with them on those issues.  In other words, for far too many Christians, politics comes first.  It is difficult for many liberal Christians to see conservative Christians as genuine believers, and vice versa.  The question: "Do you profess the risen Lord as Savior?" has been replaced as a test of faith with, "What is your position on Immigration?" {for example}  That this is unhealthy for the Church should be evident to both sides, but the solution to it is not going to be easy.  Here it is: We need to care more about unity in Christ than we do about winning elections.  We need to share the Gospel of Jesus to the Lost more passionately than we argue about the latest political scandal on social media.

What is the solution to America's growing descent into partisanship and political violence?  A Church that utilizes it own moral authority on behalf of the 'least of these', refuses to excuse immoral behavior on the part of leaders for the sake of power, and is willing to restore the Gospel as the test of faith and fellowship regardless of the political philosophies of those who proclaim Jesus as Lord.

Why are our elected leaders continuing down this path of bitter partisan divides?  Because the Church has been cheering them on from the sidelines.  It has to stop.