Monday, January 9, 2023

Sermon Video: We have "died to the law...that we might bear fruit for God." - Romans 7:1-6

Recently I was challenged by a follower of the Hebrew Roots Movement (Torah Clubs from First Fruits of Zion) that as a minister, if I wanted to speak against this theological movement, I could do so to my congregation in a sermon, but not publicly to the community.  While I categorically reject the notion that a minister of the Gospel is responsible for his/her congregation only and not the larger Christian community, the next sermon in my series on Romans was this one with its powerful phrase, "you also have died to the law through the body of order that we might bear fruit for God."

The Law of Moses ended as the guardian of the people of God with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Fulfilled by Jesus, it offers insight but no longer blessings or curses for God himself has given us a new and a better way, the way of the Spirit.  After Pentecost, the people of God do not need a written code, for God is at work in the hearts of us all, and our calling is higher and more demanding than the Law of Moses ever was as Jesus demands that we night only do the right thing, but for the right reason, and not only refrain from sinning, but wrestle with the truth that sinful attitudes are themselves sin even without the follow-up actions associated with them.

In the end, the Church has proclaimed the New Covenant throughout its history, from the generation of the Apostles and the writers of the New Testament, to this day, and we're not about to walk away from the Kingdom of God.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Listen to the Word of God: 62 Scripture passages that refute 'Christian' Nationalism - #28: John 12:31


John 12:31 Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out. 

When you think about it, a blind squirrel would be able to smell where the acorns are, so I'm not sure that this idiom is all that useful.  Nevertheless, it came to mind when thinking about this verse.  How's that you ask?  A valid question.  When thinking about the need to remember that Satan has power within this present age, that the kingdoms of this world cannot be sanctified or holy because of that power (and human nature), it made me think of those groups who view government with a jaundiced eye because of that evil influence, which led my mind to the Jehovah's Witnesses.  Now, the Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to participate in government because they believe that we are already living in the End Times and thus the world's governments, even your local school board, are controlled by Satan.  This belief makes them unlikely candidates to support a 'Christian' Nationalist movement, {That they're a cult and not a part of Christianity being another reason} just for the wrong reasons, hence the blind squirrel.  That may have been a long journey for a short reward, but hopefully it has you thinking about the connection between human governments and institutions and Satan.  While it is not Christian orthodoxy that they are controlled by Satan, which would necessitate the sort of withdrawal enacted by the JW, it is in keeping with a proper Christian worldview to remember that both corrupted human nature and the influence of spiritually evil powers exists within all human created institutions including governments.

The tie in with 'Christian' Nationalism is thus a fundamental one.  It goes to the heart of the question of whether or not a "Christian Nation" is even possible in any generation with any form of government.  The answer, when considering these limitations (not to mention Jesus' lack of endorsement of any such project) is a definitive, "No".  Thus 'Christian' Nationalism is working against reality, trying to complete a project and erect a system that is impossible given the prevailing conditions.  It isn't about hope, it isn't about effort, it isn't about zeal or sacrifice, it just won't work, period.  When Christ returns, when he sets up his kingdom here on earth, everything will change, until then we've been given a more a more important mission than trying to build a house of cards.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Sermon Video: Joseph graciously accepts the Christmas gift he didn't ask for - Matthew 1:18-24

Have you ever received a Christmas gift that you absolutely hated?  One that you can't wait to return, one that you struggle to pretend you're happy for?

Joseph was given a Christmas gift that he didn't ask for, the way he responded to this unexpected gift show why God chose him to be the dad here on earth to the long-awaited Messiah.

Sermon Video: God's unexpected Christmas gifts - Luke 1:34-38

Perhaps you've received an amazingly unexpected and wonderful Christmas gift at some point, whatever it was, it can't begin to compare with the one given to Mary

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Doubt and Faithfulness are not polar opposites: A Lesson from "Doubting Thomas" - John 20:24-29


I find Caravaggio's The Incredulity of Saint Thomas to be a fascinating painting.  One of the reasons why is that the text of John's Gospel, which is the basis for the moment the painting portrays, never actually says that Thomas touched Jesus' wounds, only that he declared he wouldn't believe that Jesus had risen from the dead without doing so.  The painting aside, the episode of Thomas' doubt is deeply illustrative of how God deals with doubt throughout the scriptures.  Again and again we see heroes of the faith depicted as having doubt: doubt in themselves, doubt in what they've been told by angels, even doubt after working miracles in God's name.  From Abraham's twice invoked "she's really just my sister" routine in Genesis, to Moses' attempt to put the responsibility on his younger brother instead of himself in Exodus, to Gideon's repeated requests for confirmation in Judges, to Elijah's exhaustion because he thinks he's the only one fighting for God in 1 Kings, to Esther's hesitancy to step forward in Esther, and finally Zechariah's doubt while standing in the Temple itself talking to the angel Gabriel in Luke, we see these great men and women who accomplished amazing things by the power of God, expressing their doubt and hesitancy.

And here's the key thing: In none of those instances does God search for the 'smite' key {A reference to one of my favorite Far Side cartoons} and ditch the person expressing how they really feel.  Instead, in each case God offers a second chance in the form of reassurance and patience until the person with doubt is able, thanks to this act of grace from God, to overcome it and continue fulfilling their purpose in God's plan. The point is, they were still useful to God.

How does the Church treat doubt?  I'm not talking about those who deny the Trinity or the Virgin Birth, for example, thanks to heretical teachings, that's false conviction not doubt, but rather those who have genuine doubts about God, his will or purpose, because the life they've lived has brought these feelings into focus.  Too often the Church can feel like the last place you would want to admit that you're struggling with doubt, anxiety, fear, even anger toward God.  It feels like a judgmental place, a place where, "nobody has doubts, but me."  Why?  Not because that's true, not because you're the only person who has been wounded by life, but because for whatever reason we choose to portray faith as an all-or-nothing proposition.  In reality, faith is a journey, a commitment, the kind of thing that can take a hit, get knocked down, but then rise once more and continue on, even if the person holding onto it has some scars from the experience.  Faith isn't made of glass, it is capable of dealing with reality, looking at difficult questions with humility, and acknowledging when we don't have all the answers.  Why?  Because faith is primarily a relationship with God, not an intellectual pursuit on our part.  Yes, our minds are involved, we need to know and accept who God is and what God has done for us in order to have faith, but that faith is IN God, a person, not a concept or construct, a person (who just so happens to be the Creator of the universe, a key thing faith has going for itself).

If you're having difficulties, if your faith feels battered and bruised, you won't be alone if you go to church, God be merciful on us if those you find there make you think you are, because you're not, they may not be willing to admit it, but a number of the people sitting, singing, and prayer with you know just how you feel because they were there once too, and maybe still are.  In the end, God isn't going to give up on you, for each and every person who faith and hope are in Jesus Christ is an adopted child-of-God, we're safe in our Father's arms, especially when we have to ask God to 'hold us tighter'.