Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Sermon Video: God made you alive with Christ - Colossians 2:9-15

In his ongoing effort to express the supremacy and all-sufficiency of Jesus Christ, Paul compares what circumcision was unable to accomplish, the removal of the "whole self ruled by the flesh", with what baptism in Christ can accomplish, namely the destruction of that nature enthralled to sin when those who believe in Christ are "buried with him" and "raised with him" by God's power through faith.  In addition, Paul reiterates that before Christ, "you were dead in your sins" but have since been "made alive with Christ."  This dramatic reversal, the hinge of history, is illustrated by Paul with a courtroom metaphor wherein Jesus takes the legal charges of our debt to God because of our sins, from our powerless hands, and nails it to the cross, allowing God to then cancel out our debt as having been paid in full. 

To watch the video, click on the link below:

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Sermon Video: Know Christ, Know Wisdom - Colossians 2:1-8

When explaining to the church at Colossae his goal for them for which he was willing to contend and even suffer, the Apostle Paul speaks of not only their need to be encouraged and united in love, but also their need to have "the full riches of complete understanding".  But where would this understanding come from?  Mystical experience, meditative contemplation, angelic messengers?  No, Paul was clear that the people of the church could know the "mystery of God" simply by knowing Jesus Christ.  In Christ "are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."  Want to know God?  Know Jesus.  Want to learn more about God?  Learn more about Jesus.  As the incarnate God/Man, Jesus Christ is the fullness of God, the more we learn about him, the more we learn about God.  That being said, Paul encourages the church to remain firmly rooted in Christ, to not be "taken captive" by other ideas or philosophies, for all those which are no in Christ are "of this world".

To watch the video, click on the link below:

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Uncontrolled Capitalism is as Anti-Christian as Communism

What is the philosophical basis of  the economic system of Capitalism?  In simple terms: People do what is in their own self-interest, allowing them to do so is the key to prosperity.  You might recognize the pop culture version of this viewpoint from Oliver Stone's Wall Street where Gordon Gekko states unabashedly, "Greed is good".  Capitalism works more efficiently than a demand economy (whether that be at the direction of a monarch, dictator, or communist planning committee) because it spreads out the decision making, allowing individuals and companies to best decide where to invest their time, effort, and capital.  Capitalism is indeed the best economic system that mankind has thus far developed, there's no question that it creates more wealth and opportunity than its rivals, but that does not mean that Capitalism, left unregulated or uncontrolled, is by nature any more "Christian" than the less-efficient systems that it outproduces.

As an example of how unfettered Capitalism can be hostile to the morals and principles of Christianity, consider the case of Trevor Foltz an American child from Rhode Island whose life saving medication for seizures has risen in cost from $40 a vial in the year 2000, to $39,000 a vial in 2018, an astounding 97,000% increase in less than 20 years.  Please, read the whole article in the link, before finishing this post, it is worth your time.

Anatomy of a 97,000% drug price hike: One family's fight to save their son - by Wayne Drash, CNN

What then should a Christian perspective be regarding the tendency of Capitalism to reward greed on a level such as this?

What then should a Christian perspective be regarding the tendency of Capitalism to let slip through the cracks the most needy and vulnerable among us?

This is not a post about a proposed solution to problems such as those encountered by the Foltz family, not an advocacy for a particular way to regulate the Health Care industry, nor it is support for or criticism of, a particular politician or party.  What this is, instead, is a call for reflection on the part of those committed to following the example and teachings of Jesus Christ, as to how they ought to think, feel, and act in response to the inevitable abuses of the capitalist system.  If Christians think, feel, and act like people whose first priority is imitating Jesus Christ, the subsequent questions of how or what can/should be done in our particular political and economic circumstances to remedy the flaws particular to capitalism that have become manifest, have a chance of being answered with wisdom.

What then is the attitude of the Word of God, our definitive guide for morality, regarding the topics of greed and those in need?  You might not believe it from what Christians often focus upon, but the primary topic regarding our interactions with our fellow man in the Bible is money.  The Bible repeatedly, in strong and foreboding terms, rejects greed and compels the people of God to be generous with those in need.  A few examples will suffice to demonstrate the pattern:

Deuteronomy 15:11There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land.

Deuteronomy 24:17 Do not deprive the foreigner or the fatherless of justice, or take the cloak of the widow as a pledge.

Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Luke 12:15 Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”

These are 4 examples, all part of larger conversations within Scripture about the issues of money, greed, justice, and generosity.  There are literally hundreds of other references related to a economic issues (both relating to personal behavior and that of a nation as a whole) for the people of God contained in the Scriptures, whether it be Israel or the Church, that speak to the seriousness to God (and thus to us) of how we treat those in need.

If the system, whatever it may be, rewards a select few with riches beyond the scale of ancient kings, and leaves by the wayside without help a multitude beyond count, then that system cannot be just, nor morally upright, as it is.  Such as system would need to be held accountable for its excesses and flaws, it would need to be made to remember those being left behind, even if by design it does not naturally do so.  No economic system is perfect, just as no political system is perfect.  There will be flaws, there will be injustices, and therefore there needs to be advocates who champion the poor, the downtrodden, the orphans, aliens, widows, and outcasts, a role that is tailor made for those who would be disciples of Jesus.

Sermon Video: The Mystery of God: Christ in You, Colossians 1:24-29

How can someone like the Apostle Paul "rejoice" in the suffering he endured?  Not because he enjoyed it, far from it, simply because he understood the purpose to which God utilized his dedication in the face of opposition.  The "mystery" of God, that had been foretold by the prophets, had at last been revealed during Paul's lifetime, namely the advent of the Messiah and his wondrous victory over sin and death through self-sacrifice.  The "glorious riches" of God's will were greater than that, however, for God intended all along that the message of hope that resulted from the work of Jesus be sent forth into the world, to call all nations to repent and create a new people from among them of those who would become disciples of Jesus.

Consider for a moment the import of these words: "the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."  Christ in his followers, is the hope of glory!  The dwelling of Christ within his people (through the Holy Spirit) here on earth is a foretaste of the glory of heaven to come.  How do we know, for sure, that God's promises of life beyond death with him are true?  We experience Christ in us now, molding and shaping us into maturity.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

Why are we free? Galatians 5:13-14

The vast majority of the bitter and often prolonged disagreements within American culture involve the answer to a fundamental question: Why are we free?  Not, how did we become free, but what is the purpose of our freedom?  To what end, what goal, what meaning are we to put our freedom to use?  While the American culture and political realm remain starkly divided on issue after issue regarding the answer to this question, Christian Americans ought to have no such hesitation in answering it clearly, emphatically, and with unity.  We know why we were set free, not from the grasp of a tyrant or oppressive political system, but from sin and death itself.  We were freed by the blood of Jesus Christ, which paid a ransom for our redemption, purified us from our ungodliness, and brought us into a lasting relationship with the Spirit and our Heavenly Father.  This is a freedom that is pure and true, one that cannot be taken away, and one that comes with an all-encompassing obligation.  You see, Christian Americans were set free that they might serve.  It may seem like a paradox to say that we are free to serve, and yet, in imitation of our Lord Jesus, that is exactly what we have been called to do.  What or whom do we serve?  One another, in humility and love.  In the Kingdom of Heaven, as Jesus said, the first shall be last, and the last shall be first, the servant of all shall be the greatest.  We, as Christians, who happen also to be blessed to be Americans, know exactly why we are free, it is up to us to live that way.

To listen to the short sermon on this topic from Galatians 5:13-14 that was given at this year's Franklin's 4th of July celebration's Worship in the Park, click on the link below:

The Purpose of Freedom: Galatians 5:13-14