Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Sermon Video: The Whole Will of God - Acts 20:25-31

Continuing his farewell address to the church elders from Ephesus, Paul declares to them that he is "innocent of the blood of all men" because he knows that he has declared the "whole will of God" throughout his journeys.  What is this "whole will of God"?  Paul made that clear back in vs. 21 when he affirmed that his message had always been to both Jews and Greeks that they must "turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus."  In other words, Paul declared the Gospel, the whole Gospel, no more and no less.  All men have sinned, none can please a holy and righteous God on their own, and therefore all must repent and trust in the righteousness of Jesus.
Beginning with the Early Church, and continuing to this day, there have been attempts to distort this straightforward declaration of the Gospel by adding to it or subtracting from it.  The most common additions have been attempts to add an element of works to faith (thereby diminishing the sufficiency of the work of Christ).  The most common attempted subtractions have been denials of the full human/divine nature of Jesus (thereby diminishing the person of Jesus).
As the Church, we are tasked with protecting against attack from within or without, whatever they might be, and maintaining the true and full Gospel, for we know that it alone is the power of God unto salvation.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Assassinations, Pastor Jeffress, and Romans 13

I've written often enough about the danger to the Church in America of an unequal marriage with politics and politicians, especially when that marriage envisions an American triumphalism and nationalism that seeks to equate being a good Christian with being a patriotic American.  The truth of the matter is that no nation has the right to claim God's special favor, apart from ancient Israel, and those who have claimed such a right have done so with disastrous results; one need only examine the WWI era rhetoric of nations comprised primarily of Christians fighting against each other to conclude that God was not in favor of the war aims of any of the combatants.  Can any Christian theologian really defend the notion that German territorial expansion or British colonial interests were the will of God and thus worthy of the countless lives shed in pursuit of them?
And yet, that same temptation to mix Christianity with political nationalism remains, and was given a boost recently by Pastor Robert Jeffress of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, a mega-church with 3,700 weekly attendees.  Pastor Jeffress is no stranger to politics, having been an outspoken advocate for one candidate during the last presidential election.  Now, given the tensions between the United States and North Korea, Pastor Jeffress felt it necessary to express that God has given the moral authority, according to Romans 13:1-5, for the President to "do whatever, whether it's assassination, capital punishment, or evil punishment to quell the actions of evildoers like Kim Jung Un."  So, if the President of the United States determines that a person is an evildoer, he has the moral right to assassinate him/her without due process, without a trial, and without the consent of Congress?  When Paul wrote Romans 13, was he really advocating that governmental leaders, most of whom in the years since have not been Christians, or have been nominal Christians at best, have God's blessing to take pre-emptive action, including starting wars, against those who do threaten evil?
What is the response of Jeffress to those who caution that advocating war, and assassinating the leader of North Korea would surely lead to war, maybe even nuclear war, is not the will of God?  "Some Christians, perhaps younger Christians, have to think this through.  It's antithetical to some of the mushy rhetoric you hear from some circles today.  Frankly, it's because they're not well taught in the scriptures."  Well, ignoring the insult that those who advocate for peace are just "mushy", it is certainly not the only interpretation of Romans 13 to encourage the government to utilize assassinations and pre-emptive wars, for such a stance doesn't even meet the level of the traditional Just War Theory of Thomas Aquinas.  (Primarily because it is far from the last resort, and would lead to far greater evil in terms of civilians deaths than it could possibly prevent.)

For an opposing view of the responsibility of the Christian and Church regarding war and peace, note the words of the martyr Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer who died at the hands of the Nazis:
There is no way to peace along the way of safety.  For peace must be dared.  It is the great venture.  It can never be safe.  Peace is the opposite of security.  To demand guarantees is to mistrust, and this mistrust in turns brings forth war.  To look for guarantees is to want to protect oneself.  Peace means to give oneself altogether to the law of God, wanting no security, but in faith and obedience laying the destiny of the nations in the hand of Almighty God, not trying to direct it for selfish purposes.  Battles are won, not with weapons, but with God.  They are won where the way leads to the cross.  Which of us can say he or she knows what it might mean for the world if one nation should meet the aggressor, not with weapons in hand, but praying, defenseless, and for that very reason protected by 'a bulwark never failing'? - The Church and the People of the World, from the Ecumenical Conference at Fano, 1934.

What is the purpose of a pastor of the Church of Jesus Christ?  If you answered: To encourage a governmental leader to start a war that will kills thousands, perhaps millions of innocents, you're evidently not alone, but just the same, I'm frightened of what that says about the priorities and perspective of some Christians.  As always, the marriage of Politics and Church is an abusive relationship, what may be gained by it is a paltry excuse for what is lost, that observation just got a lot more serious.

To read the Washington Post article which contains the quotes of Pastor Jeffress, click on the following link: ‘God has given Trump authority to take out Kim Jong Un,’ evangelical adviser says

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Sermon Video: Finish the Race - Acts 20:13-24

Of all of Paul's metaphors to describe what it is like to be a Christian, running a race is of course my favorite.  In his farewell address to the elders of the church of Ephesus, Paul speaks of his efforts as a missionary in Asia minor and Greece, recounting how he conducted himself with integrity, and carrying out his God-given mission of sharing the truth of the Gospel proclamation of the need of all mankind of repentance and faith.  Paul contends that he has finished his "race", and offers up to us the encouragement that we can likewise fulfill our role in the kingdom of God and finish our own race.
Throughout the message are sprinkled references to my running of the Oil Creek Trails 100's 50k race in October of 2015, a difficult 31 mile race that became brutal for me due to dehydration.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Is mankind wicked? Is there any doubt? Jeremiah 17:9

The prophet Jeremiah, a man called of God to warn a people gone astray who did not listen to him, wrote this chilling thought, "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.  Who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9)  While it would be easy to speak of the wicked/fallen nature of humanity based upon historical events like the many genocides exemplified by the Holocaust, reading my local paper this past week provided, unfortunately, ample evidence.  In just one week, our local paper (which is excellent by the way) reported on two ongoing cases involving the trials of local teachers accused of a sexual relationship with a student, of two men accused of raping children, one of whom was also his own child, and to top it off, a two year old child found naked in the middle of a busy road while his parent was passed out drunk on the couch with a second one year old child being neglected in the crib.  Are you kidding me?  This isn't the big city, our county only has 53,000 people living in it, and yet these five incidents represent evil that was both reported and prosecuted, in other words, there is more than this going on, these are just the people who were caught.
The old saying, "ignorance is bliss" isn't true.  Would I rather not know about child rape and endangerment going on in my community, of course, but only if it wasn't happening.  How can we combat evil if we don't recognize it?  Still trying to cling to the notion that people are essentially "good" and in no need of help from God?  Good luck with that, me, I'll continue to trust in the saving power of Jesus Christ to rescue us from our woeful state transforming those who trust in him through the power of the Holy Spirit, and I'll continue to share that message of hope to a world sorely in need of it.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Paul: A truly Christian evangelical preacher

While preparing for this week's sermon on Acts 20:13-24, I came across this quote from Matthew Henry's commentary regarding the preaching of the Apostle Paul, although it was written centuries ago, the wisdom of Henry's words remains.

"Ministers must preach the gospel with impartiality; for they are ministers of Christ for the universal church.  He was a truly Christian evangelical preacher.  He did not preach philosophical notions, or matters of doubtful disputation, nor did he preach politics, or intermeddle at all with affairs of state or the civil government; but he preached faith and repentance, the two great gospel graces, the nature and necessity of them; these he urged upon all occasions."

How much more effective would the Church in the world today be if 100% of its ministers followed this advice?  Focus on the Gospel, return to the themes of faith and repentance again and again, let others worry about the affairs of this world, you have been called by God to shepherd his flock, your priority is the sheep.