Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Once again, rushing to judgment leads to error.

It should be obvious to Christians that being quick to judge another Christian, especially one you don't know personally, especially one who you only have an incomplete picture of, is both foolhardy and dangerous, and an avenue leading to sin.  While the phrase, "Judge not, lest ye be judged" is ingrained in our minds, we are at the same time bombarded with snap judgments and half-truths (if that) from the constant stream of information flowing our way, much of it politically motivated, through both the news media and social media.  The desire to get a story out fast, and the ease of sharing or re-tweeting something, especially something that confirms our own viewpoint or something salacious, can turn a small story into an avalanche that leaves fact-checking and a balanced view in the dust.

In recent months, a handful of people with an online/media presence have hammered away at an apologist that I often listen to (though don't agree with on everything, of course) named James White.  I first came across James White in college when his book, The King James Only Controversy was required reading for my Biblical Criticism class, that book would later form the nucleus of my History of the Bible lectures.

Those critical of James White in relation to a two-part dialogue he participated in with a Muslim Imam, have filled the airwaves/internet with a vast amount of partial truths, innuendo, name calling, and outright lies (easily refutable ones).  Why would they be able to get away with such character assassination?  Because God's people have allowed themselves to become lazy.  They've been spoon fed opinions in the political realm, leaning one way or the other, and have long since grown accustomed to accepting what they hear as the truth without verifying it.  I know that while watching the news, or reading an article online, it isn't possible to verify everything that you see, but when the issue involves accusations of "heresy", "cowardice", and claiming that a Christian is in league with mysterious Islamic forces that are trying to take over the world, one would think that you and I would be willing to at least dig enough to see whether such startling accusations have a basis in the truth.

Throughout this whole ordeal, the video of the dialogue in question has been available online, easily accessible to any willing to watch before reaching a conclusion about it.  Unfortunately, many of those who have been critical have too much invested (politically, emotionally, financially) in an apocalyptic narrative that is threatened by peaceful dialogue with Muslims.  For some, a clash of civilizations, WWIII style, is a desired outcome.  They see this as a pre-cursor to the 2nd Coming of Christ, and/or are looking at this issue through Nationalist eyes and not through Gospel ones.  Do some within Islam want worldwide Jihad and death to all the infidels?  Of course, many of them have joined terrorist groups to further their vision of utopia.  Does their desire make such a global fight to the death inevitable?  Not at all.  The Cold War ended without WWIII erupting, that was a far more grave situation against an enemy far better equipped to wage war, yet it never fully erupted into all out war.  One should then ask, why are so many people in Europe and America so heavily invested in seeing the current level of conflict become a global war?  Why do they want the dream of the terrorists, global war, to come true?

For the sake of the Church, and the sake of the Gospel, we cannot afford, as Christians, to close our hearts and minds to the need of the Muslim people to hear and receive faith in Jesus Christ.  If we choose to write off a billion people as beyond the reach of the Gospel, great will be our shame, and severe our judgment before Almighty God.  If we choose to abandon them, for any reason, we will have failed as the people who have been called by God to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

We won't reach Muslims with the Good News by lumping them all into one group as terrorists.  We won't reach Muslims by shouting from street corners, posting insulting videos, or insisting that any conversation include condemnation of Muhammad.  That avenue offers no hope of success, only the self-righteousness of condemning those who are already lost (as if have been told to do so by God).  How will the Muslims of the world be reached for Christ?  Through patience, understanding, friendships, honesty, and kindness.  If you're not interested in being a part of such a loving approach, your problem isn't with James White or the countless missionaries at work for the Kingdom in Muslim countries today, your problem is with the Gospel.

For the sake of the truth, and to show at least a modicum of interest in it.  Read the article below published by ChristianNews.net  If you still think White is a "dupe" or Judas, dig further, or perhaps look in the mirror and ask yourself why you won't want Muslims to hear about Jesus.

Apologist James White Draws Concerns After Holding, Defending Interfaith ‘Dialogue’ at Church With Muslim Imam

FYI, one of the issues being condemned is the use of a church building for this event.  The Church in the NT is not a building, it is a people.  It is not the place which is sacred, but the people who meet there who make it so by having been saved by God's grace.  To use such a building to further the spread of the Gospel is a use that brings glory to God, not shame.

{Update 11/21  The James White that I used to listen to while working no longer has the same ministry.  In the past 3-4 years he has followed Eric Metaxas down the road of political 'sky is falling' conspiracy theory laden hysteria.  I no longer recommend listening to his messages with the exception of the older material related to textual criticism}

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Sermon Video: Often imitated, never duplicated - Acts 19:13-20

How genuine does your faith need to be?  Can you get by with the equivalent of a generic version?  In Acts 19, the people of Ephesus learn the answer to such questions when seven Jewish men attempt to utilize the name of Jesus, without actually believing in Jesus, in order to cast out a demon from a possessed man.  Their attempt didn't go according to plan, the demon recognized their lack of faith and instead of obeying those empowered by Jesus as per usual, it beat all seven men brutally as they barely escaped with their lives.  Still think that a knock-off or diet version of the Gospel is good enough?
When news of this spread to the people of Ephesus, those who already believed publicly confessed their sins to each other, and brought a huge pile of scrolls used in their former life for sorcery to be burned.  The people of Ephesus got the message: Take God seriously.  Will you?

To watch the video, click on the link below:

Monday, July 10, 2017

The fool's bargain of trading the Gospel for Power

The pursuit of power is a fundamental factor in the history of humanity.  Individuals have made incredible sacrifices and committed horrific atrocities in the pursuit of it, as often as not, without ever attaining what they sought.  The pursuit of power destroyed Julius Caesar, it kept Napoleon from enjoying his victories and sent him to his doom in wintry Russia, and it did the same thing to Hitler just over a century later.  Power is never enough, those who grasp it always want more.  As Princess Leia told Governor Tarkin in Star Wars, "The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."  Or in the more philosophical realm if you prefer, Lord Acton warned, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
It was in 2014 that Russell Moore, the president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission with the Southern Baptist Convention, wrote a book entitled, Onward: Engaging the Culture Without Losing the Gospel.  In that book Dr. Moore warned the Church in America, in particular, of the dangers of trading devotion to the Gospel for Earthly power.

“Some sectors of religious activism are willing to receive, as Christians, heretics and demagogues, so long as they are with us politically....When that happens, we are demonstrating what we believe to be truly important, and we are embracing then a different gospel from the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

I have written about this danger often enough in the past, but seeing Dr. Moore's quote for the first time felt like reason enough to revisit it once more.

What do we gain, as a Church, if we gain earthly power, if to do so we have to align ourselves with individuals or institutions which are antithetical to the Gospel?  Do we "win" if we abandon the teachings of Christ in order to advance a political agenda?  It is not as if Jesus didn't himself address this topic, "What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?" (Mark 8:36)

The question is simple: Which is more important to you, a victory in the political realm, or a victory for the Gospel?

If human history is any indication, and it is, you're not likely to have both.

As Joshua said to the people of Israel at the end of his time leading them, "choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve...As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." (Joshua 24:14-15).  You can only serve one master, if it isn't Christ, you've already lost.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Sermon Video: Paul and the Power of the Spirit - Acts 19:1-12

As Paul continues on his third missionary journey, he first visits churches that he had helped found during the 1st and 2nd journey, and then returns to Ephesus where he had stopped briefly the previous year.  At Ephesus, Paul finds some disciples who had not yet received the Holy Spirit.  Questioning them, Paul realizes that they only knew the baptism of John (the need for repentance) but nothing about the one whom John had prepared the way for, that is Jesus.  Upon hearing about Jesus, and believing, these disciples also receive the Holy Spirit.
Paul continues his mission effort by spending the next several months teaching in the synagogue until opposition there forces him to seek out a new venue.  Undaunted, Paul continues teaching in Ephesus, ultimately spreading the Gospel message throughout that province.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The Folly of Angry Witnessing and the Folly of attacking Christians who befriend the Lost

Image result for angry street preaching
Is this what Jesus had in mind when said, "Go into all the world..."
From time to time in my life I've seen people standing on a street corner with a homemade sign that lists a variety of things that God hates.  Sometimes the things on the list are accurately taken from the text of the Bible, and sometimes they reflect the beliefs of the person who made the sign, often involving politically motivated choices as well.

What then should the average Christian think in response to such demonstrations, most of which involve anger and shouting, a tactic far more likely to make enemies than friends.  Should Christians care about offending the Lost?  Should we be presenting the Gospel with anger or love?

The most important question, which should be obvious to all who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ but perhaps is not, is this: What does the Word of God say about the tactics we should be using to witness to those who don't know Jesus as Lord and Savior?

1 Peter 3:15-16 is one such key passage, "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander."

Do you mean, Peter didn't write, "Shout at the unbelievers, ridicule them, call them names, for then they will want to join you."  And he didn't write, "disrespect the lost, treat them with unkindness, and say horrible things, especially false ones, about anyone who dares to befriend an unbeliever."

Peter did write that we must witness with gentleness and respect, and he did write that we must conduct ourselves always with good behavior as representatives of Christ.

So, why all the yelling, why the hatred?  For some, it is a misguided notion that they have to defend the Law of God against societal or governmental forces, and therefore they have appointed themselves as judge, jury, and executioner on God's behalf.  For others, it might be a form of racism or ideology based hatred that is driving their counter-productive attempt to hate-witness.  The most obvious example of this in action in the West today relates to Islam.  There are some in the Christian community, at least they claim to represent Christ, who feel the need to warn about the dangers (which are of an apocalyptic level in their mind) of terrorism from individuals/organizations influenced by Islam, and therefore their only interaction with Islam is angry and militant.  They say things like "All Muslims are terrorists", or "Islam is of the devil".  They think that they're defending Western civilization and Christendom, but in reality all they accomplish is to make terrorism more likely by further marginalizing Muslims living in Western nations, and even more importantly, shutting the door against the Gospel's message even more firmly.  What Muslim, who believes in Muhammad and the Qur'an, is going to listen to what you have to say about the love of God and the desire that God has to offer forgiveness in Christ, when you approach that Muslim by insulting Muhammad and spitting upon the Qur'an?  In what reality does this tactic work even 1 in a million times?

Do you want the Lost to hear the Gospel so that they can be saved, or do you just want credit for yelling it at them?  Do you actually love the Lost, in imitation of our heavenly Father, who sent his Son to die for our sins, while we were still sinners, or has hatred clouded your mind and convinced you that some people are beyond God's saving grace?  (As if you deserved God's grace, but they don't!)

If you can't speak to those who don't know Jesus with gentleness and respect, maybe you should just keep your yap shut and let those whose hearts are burdened for a world full of people without God's love in their lives, be the ones to represent Jesus.