Much has been made of late about whether or not someone who claims to be a Christian can be taken at his/her word as such. Pope Francis even weighed in on this important issue, declaring that an attitude of wall building instead of the extending of love cannot reside in the mind of a Christian. The Bible says much on this topic, from Jesus declaring that "all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:35) and also, "If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit." (John 15:5) The question of who really belongs to the Church became important even in that first generation of believers, as evidenced by the primary focus on that question of the apostle John's first letter. I John contains a threefold test of true Christian faith: (1) Belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, (2) obedience to the commands of God, (3) and lastly, display of Christian brotherly love. In essence, John is simply repeating the instructions of Jesus himself and adding to it the need to believe in Jesus (which Jesus was assuming by addressing his comments to his disciples, men who had already chosen to follow him).
Where does this leave us, then, when faced with someone who claims to be a Christian yet shows little or no evidence of spiritual growth in terms of obeying the commands of God by avoiding sin and seeking righteousness, nor much evidence of love, first for fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and then for the Lost whom the Gospel obligates us to pursue with God's love? If the evidence is lacking, and it ought to be clear enough to leave no doubt because we're talking about the overall direction of a life, not simply one or two moments, then the evidence is indeed lacking. Without evidence of Christian faith, without fruit of the Spirit, we dare not assume that anyone who claims to be a follower of Jesus Christ is actually a Christian.
Let me put this another way: If there is not clear evidence that the old self, the sin nature, has been crucified with Christ, that the Holy Spirit has brought about a baptism of new birth, and that the person in question is now living as a new creation, then it is foolish to believe that Christ dwells within that individual. This is not an invitation to be judgmental, nor is it any sort of works-salvation; we are absolutely and without any hesitation saved by grace alone through faith alone, but it is a reminder that we're trying to determine if someone has been transformed by the Spirit of God. This is not something that can happen without making a difference in your life or mine, it will cause change, for the better, from the old focus on self to the new focus on selflessness.
If there is no evidence Christ-like attitudes and behaviors, then there is no Christian, its as simple as that. Is he a Christian? Don't tell me what he says, what does he do? Are you a Christian, don't tell me what you think you are, how are you living your life? For those who have been washed clean by the blood of the Lamb, there is never really any doubt, they belong to him, they've taken up their own cross and chosen to follow their savior.
If you want to delve deeper into this topic, I wrote a book about I John's perspective on the question of who is, and who is not, a Christian; it's called Christianity's Big Tent and can be accessed via that link or by going to the page at the top of this website where all of my written materials are located.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Sermon Video: Boaz notices Ruth - Ruth 2:8-23
In this third message, of five, from Ruth, we find Boaz conversing with Ruth after he takes notice of her hard at work gleaning in his fields. Boaz offers Ruth multiple, small, and ongoing kindnesses in response, he says, for her devotion to her mother-in-law Naomi, the widow of his kin Elimelech. Ruth responds to these offers of help with humble gratitude, prompting even more steps taken by Boaz to help Ruth (and Naomi) in their time of need.
When Ruth returns home at the end of the day, with much more food than expected, Naomi is awakened from her depression and bitterness that had engulfed her since the death of her husband and sons by the kindness shown to Ruth and herself by a seemingly random neighbor who turns out to be Boaz, a kinsman-redeemer of Elimelech's estate. Whether or not Boaz will be willing to fulfill his legal obligation under the laws of the kinsman-redeemer remains to be seen, but Naomi at least has begun once again to hope.
The kindnesses offered by Boaz were not, in and of themselves, all that costly to him, nor was he legally obligated to give any of them. And yet, as a man of God, a man of character, Boaz chooses to go beyond the letter of the law to fulfill the spirit of the law; Boaz chooses to live by grace.
To watch the video, click on the link below:
When Ruth returns home at the end of the day, with much more food than expected, Naomi is awakened from her depression and bitterness that had engulfed her since the death of her husband and sons by the kindness shown to Ruth and herself by a seemingly random neighbor who turns out to be Boaz, a kinsman-redeemer of Elimelech's estate. Whether or not Boaz will be willing to fulfill his legal obligation under the laws of the kinsman-redeemer remains to be seen, but Naomi at least has begun once again to hope.
The kindnesses offered by Boaz were not, in and of themselves, all that costly to him, nor was he legally obligated to give any of them. And yet, as a man of God, a man of character, Boaz chooses to go beyond the letter of the law to fulfill the spirit of the law; Boaz chooses to live by grace.
To watch the video, click on the link below:
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Sermon Video: Naomi's bitterness and Ruth's hard work - Ruth 1:19-2:7
In this second message from Ruth, of five, we see the full impact of the sorrow from Naomi's loss of her husband and two sons reflected in her statements of bitterness directed at "the Almighty" whom she holds responsible for her losses. Naomi does not hide her true feelings, or pretend that she's fine with what the will of God has done in her life, no, Naomi is honest, and that honesty at this point in her life equals disappointment with God.
Ruth, meanwhile, sets about looking for a solution to the desperate circumstances facing herself and her mother-in-law as widows by participating in the process that the Law of Moses sets forth to help the poor: gleaning. Ruth follows behind the harvesters in the fields, working hard, hoping to gather enough grain to feed herself and Naomi. The hard work of Ruth draws the attention of the owner of the field, Boaz, a relative of her late father-in-law Elimelech, whose field, "as it turned out" she ended up working in.
While Naomi struggles with her bitterness, and Ruth begins working to try to survive, the hand of God is already at work, molding plans for Ruth and Naomi that include far more than just surviving.
To watch the video, click on the link below:
Ruth, meanwhile, sets about looking for a solution to the desperate circumstances facing herself and her mother-in-law as widows by participating in the process that the Law of Moses sets forth to help the poor: gleaning. Ruth follows behind the harvesters in the fields, working hard, hoping to gather enough grain to feed herself and Naomi. The hard work of Ruth draws the attention of the owner of the field, Boaz, a relative of her late father-in-law Elimelech, whose field, "as it turned out" she ended up working in.
While Naomi struggles with her bitterness, and Ruth begins working to try to survive, the hand of God is already at work, molding plans for Ruth and Naomi that include far more than just surviving.
To watch the video, click on the link below:
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Sermon Video - Ruth's Choice: Your God, My God - Ruth 1:1-18
In this first message of five covering the book of Ruth, the story begins with the unfolding of the tragedy that engulfed Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth. Naomi's husband, Elimelech, moved his family during a time of famine from his portion of the Promised Land in Bethlehem of Judah across the Jordan River to the land of Moab. From our perspective a simple economic choice, something we see in great abundance in our world today with its flood of migrants, but for the Covenant people the choice to leave the land is actually a moral one, a choice made by Elimelech that reflects poorly on his trust in God's providence.
In Moab, Elimelech dies, his two sons marry Moabite women, another moral choice with the potential for bringing foreign gods into the mix, and then after ten years both of Naomi's sons die. At this point, Naomi is left without support and without hope for her future, a point the original Hebrew text highlights by calling her "the woman" instead of Naomi. Naomi decides to return to Israel, where the LORD has given his people relief from the famine, and her daughters-in-law Orpah and Ruth begin the journey with her. Naomi stops on the way and insists that these two young women who could still marry new husbands and have children must return to their mother's house and seek their own lives. Naomi is bitter, feeling that the hand of God is against her, not seeing any potential way for the line of Elimelech to continue, seeing only lonely poverty in her future. Orpah makes a rational choice to listen to this advice and parts from Naomi in sadness, Ruth however, makes the emotional choice to remain with Naomi and punctuates this choice with a beautiful oath of loyalty to Naomi's land, people, and God. At this point the text does not indicate that Ruth knew the LORD or followed him, her choice is based upon love for her mother-in-law. As the opening of Ruth ends, the two women continue on, Naomi returning home and Ruth entering into a strange new land.
There are two lessons in the opening segment of Ruth: (1) That even small choices can have consequences, both good and bad, and (2) the tremendous power of love and loyalty. The question that remains is this: Will God alleviate the bitter sorrow of Naomi and reward the faithfulness of Ruth, and if so, how?
To watch the video, click on the link below:
In Moab, Elimelech dies, his two sons marry Moabite women, another moral choice with the potential for bringing foreign gods into the mix, and then after ten years both of Naomi's sons die. At this point, Naomi is left without support and without hope for her future, a point the original Hebrew text highlights by calling her "the woman" instead of Naomi. Naomi decides to return to Israel, where the LORD has given his people relief from the famine, and her daughters-in-law Orpah and Ruth begin the journey with her. Naomi stops on the way and insists that these two young women who could still marry new husbands and have children must return to their mother's house and seek their own lives. Naomi is bitter, feeling that the hand of God is against her, not seeing any potential way for the line of Elimelech to continue, seeing only lonely poverty in her future. Orpah makes a rational choice to listen to this advice and parts from Naomi in sadness, Ruth however, makes the emotional choice to remain with Naomi and punctuates this choice with a beautiful oath of loyalty to Naomi's land, people, and God. At this point the text does not indicate that Ruth knew the LORD or followed him, her choice is based upon love for her mother-in-law. As the opening of Ruth ends, the two women continue on, Naomi returning home and Ruth entering into a strange new land.
There are two lessons in the opening segment of Ruth: (1) That even small choices can have consequences, both good and bad, and (2) the tremendous power of love and loyalty. The question that remains is this: Will God alleviate the bitter sorrow of Naomi and reward the faithfulness of Ruth, and if so, how?
To watch the video, click on the link below:
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Sermon Video - "Lord, I want to see" Luke 18:35-43
In this final message from Luke, (having preached the whole Gospel of Luke here at 1st Baptist over the past four years, which means all of it is available in my sermon videos, 100 in all) Jesus is confronted by a blind beggar shouting at him from the side of the road. The blind man, having little hope in this world, acted quickly when hope itself walked by him in the form of Jesus. We don't know what he knew about Jesus already, but his response was perfect, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" When those near him told him to be quiet, a sad example of people on the inside blocking those who seek God's help from the outside, he simply shouted louder until Jesus heard him. The blind man's faith, and persistence, was rewarded by Jesus who asked him a simple, and seemingly obvious question, "What do you want me to do for you?" The blind man, what could he want from Jesus? It may seem unnecessary for Jesus to ask, but God finds tremendous value in our asking him for help. The simple act of humbling yourself and acknowledging God's power by asking for it changes the one doing the asking, a worthwhile goal. The blind man responded as he should have, "Lord, I want to see".
This episode illustrates God's compassion and power, of course, but it also serves as an insightful metaphor for those in need seeking God's help, in particular those suffering from spiritual blindness; an affliction less obvious to an outside observer than physical blindness, and yet something that God can cure, without fail, for those who seek his help.
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