Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sermon Video: "Worthy is the Lamb" - Revelation 5:1-14

The Triumphal Entry of Jesus that we remember each year on Palm Sunday was a spontaneous event of enthusiasm by the people of Jerusalem for a political solution to the ongoing problem of foreign domination by the Romans that they hoped Jesus was about to bring to an end.  Their shouts for a king in David’s line were indeed accurate, Jesus was worthy to sit on that throne, but he had other intentions from the beginning.  That unexpected role reversal, from claiming a throne to suffering as a servant, is mirrored in the vision that John sees of the End Times that he recorded in Revelation.
            In chapter five of Revelation, John sees God holding a scroll that cannot be opened by any created being.  That scroll signifies the beginning of the end of history, the final judgment on creation and the culmination of the redemptive plan of God.  Who has the right to decide that such a time is at hand?  Who could be holy enough, righteous enough, to open such a scroll?  At that point the Lion of the tribe of Judah steps forth, he is worthy.  But then something remarkable happens.  In the very next verse, it is not the Lion, the mighty king, who takes the scroll from the hand of the Father, but the Lamb who was slain.
            Jesus had the right as King of kings and Lord of lords to open the scroll, the Son of God and the Son of Man has every right to do so, but he once again approaches this responsibility with the same humility and obedience that led Jesus to Calvary less than a week after the shouts of “Hosanna”.
            The Cross and the Empty Tomb are the great reversal of all of history.  There humility defeated pride, love triumphed over hatred, and a sinless and spotless life triumphed by giving itself up over death.  In our world, power, wealth, and fame are revered, sought and fought over, but not so in the kingdom of God.  The Lamb at the center of the praise and worship in John’s vision is honored because he put others before himself.  He is lifted up and glorified by ever increasing numbers until all of creation joins in the song because he was willing to kneel before the will of the Father.  Worthy is the Lamb who was slain.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The small margin of error for the shepherd of the flock

Headlines such as this are a far too frequent occurrence: “Pastor resigns after sex scandal”, “Pastor resigns amid financial scandal”.  There was another high-profile mega-church pastor who resigned this week after admitting to at least two affairs.  This was obviously a newsworthy story, especially with the 20,000 members attending this church and the satellite campuses far and wide, not to mention the book and TV efforts this church was engaged in with this pastor as its public face.  That failures such as this are sad is evident, but something about the comments that are inevitable bothers me.  Those who belong to the church rocked by such failures of leadership often say something like, “he’s a sinner, just like all of us, we all need to be forgiven.”  On the surface of it, that statement is entirely true.  Any and every church pastor is a sinner saved by grace.  There isn’t anyone who avoided needed God’s forgiveness and grace, and there isn’t anyone entering the kingdom of Heaven on their own merit.  There is a big piece of this puzzle missing, however.  That the pastor was a sinner saved by grace, when he became a follower of Jesus Christ, is entirely true, but he cannot continue to be someone who walks in darkness if he is to shepherd the church of Jesus Christ.
Like it or not, the standard by which a pastor is judged is not the same as that for his congregation.  Not everyone is capable of being a church pastor; not everyone has the gifts or talents necessary, and not everyone has the temperament needed to do the job.  Lastly, but just as importantly, not everyone is capable of the high moral standard that must be followed by someone willing to take on both the privilege and the burden of leading a church.  A church pastor is not allowed to continue in his position if he cannot keep his marriage vows (or his celibacy if he is single).  A church pastor is not allowed to continue in his position if he uses drugs, abuses alcohol, is violent, greedy, power hungry, or unforgiving.  The list is a long one, and could go on, but the point is clear.  To be called to the ministry as a shepherd is no small thing.  It has higher entrance requirements, and a high standard to continue.
Is a pastor who breaks his promise to God capable of being forgiven?  Of course he is; we all are capable of being forgiven.  Should he be allowed to continue in his ministry if he confesses his sins and shows contrition?  No, that ship has sailed.  As I said, it’s no small thing to serve the Church of God.  This is, according to the Word of God, a business where no major mistakes, and let’s call them what they are, sins, are allowed.  It is one thing for your senator to cheat on his wife, its far worse for your pastor to do so.
Does it worry me to write such things, knowing that my wife and I are dependent upon this job to provide for our needs?  No, it doesn’t, because I wouldn’t have sought ordination if I didn’t know my own heart.  I wouldn’t have accepted a call to shepherd this church if I was tempted to cheat on my wife, use drugs, or steal from the collection plate.  The Marines call themselves, “the few, the proud”; the Church needs to have similar high standards about those we allow to lead us.  That may not sound like an attitude devoid of second chances, but in the case of betraying the sacred trust of administering the Word of God, there really isn’t one.

Sermon Video: "my righteous servant will justify many" - Isaiah 53:7-12

In this second message on Isaiah 53, the suffering and death of the servant of God is given further detail and explanation.  Isaiah reveals that the servant of God will be “assigned a grave with the wicked” but be “with the rich in his death”.  This odd combination will be fulfilled by Jesus when he is wrongly convicted of being a blasphemer and a revolutionary and yet still placed in the tomb of a rich man, Joseph of Arimathea.  Such fulfillment of O.T. prophecies occurs throughout the Gospel account of the death of Jesus because the entire life of Jesus is part of the grand plan of redemption set forth by the Father before the creation of the world. 
            In the end, it was the will of God and love for mankind that held Jesus to the cross, it was our sins upon his shoulders that caused his Father to look away until it was finished, and it was his blameless life that kept death from being able to hold him.  Isaiah also speaks of the “descendants” of this servant, cut off from the living, yet prospering and rewarded.  This seeming contradiction is fulfilled when Jesus rises from the dead, no longer scorned, he now is due honor and glory from the Father.  No longer bereft of those to carry on his name, he now his spiritual descendants who have joined the family of God in his name.
            As the journey to the cross through Isaiah comes to a close the question of why has been clearly seen.  Why the cross?  The ultimate answer is this: there was no other way.  Sin had to be paid for, rebellion had a cost, and only the Son of God, sinless in life, was capable of dying in our place.  

To watch the video, click on the link below:

Friday, April 4, 2014

Things I've written you might enjoy.

Well, if you already read at least some of my blog it stands to reason that you might be interested in some of the longer pieces I've had occassion to write.  They're all already contained in individual blogs posts, but I figured it was time to make things easier and put all the links here on one post for any new readers.  Enjoy, use, cite if you're writing a paper for a high school or college class (which would be real cool, let me know if you do), think about what I've written, and then feel free to comment so I get some feedback.  Thanks.

A brief Theology derived from the Nicene Creed

This is just a short version of what a systematic Christian theology might look like when the Nicene Creed, the Church's oldest, most generally accepted creed, was used as the format.

 Christianity's Big Tent: The Ecumenism of I John

Christianity's Big Tent: Bibliography

This is an unpublished book that I wrote, 150 pages, about how we can define the Church through an analysis of I John.  The question of who is, and who is not, a Christian is answered on the basis of the teaching of I John.  The second link is the works cited page.

The Historicity of Asimov's Foundation Series

Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series is one of the best selling and most influential Science Fiction stories of all time.  It also has an interesting viewpoint on human nature and history.  That topic is explored in this paper that examines those aspects of the series from a Christian perspective.

The U.S.S. Platonic

The Platonic is a play that my wife Nicole and I wrote, directed, and starred in while she was working as a teacher at Saranac High School.  We began writing the play as friends and ended it as much more, it actually mirros the problems of the two primary characters whose friendship grows into something more.  A bit of art imitating life.  Feel free to enjoy its wacky humor, if you're thinking of directing a play, feel free to us it and let us know.

Relational Intimacy: Creation, the Fall, and Redemption

This is a paper I wrote about how intimacy between people was intended to be in God's original creation, how it was changed by the Fall, and how our redemption begins the process remedying it.

Young Goodman Brown: Analysis

Nathaniel Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown is a fascinating short story that is an allegory of the destruction of one man's faith.  This paper is an analysis of that story from a Christian viewpoint.  I recieved an "A" for it in college, and its the most viewed page on this blog, so I know that some of you may be tempted to cut/paste portions of it, or simply change the name, and pass it off as your own.  Rather than do that, simply use what I've written if it works for you and cite me as the source.  I was afterall, an English teacher for ten years.  

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I'm building a bridge while they're digging a moat.

I often get the feeling these days that as I labor in the trenches, working on a regular basis with governmental workers who are trying to help the poor and with un-churched people that know next to nothing about God that far too many of the people on our own side would rather dig a deeper moat around the Church than help me work on this bridge.  Why do they feel the need to be defensive all the time, fighting a rear-guard action instead of attacking the enemy on his own turf?  There are many reasons why a Christian living in America in the 21st Century might become a pessimist, but in the end they all boil down to this: they think we’re losing. 
It hurts down deep, to the core of who I am as an American, when I hear the “woe is us” doom and gloom of my fellow Americans who believe that the best days of our nation are behind us.  This isn’t a rational conclusion based upon evidence, it is simply a gut feeling based upon far too many frightening anecdotal reports spread by politicians and preachers with an agenda who are profiting financially off of the fear of those who listen to them.
It hurts me even more when I hear Christian parroting this line of pessimism.  The Church founded by Jesus Christ has triumphed over, through, and in spite of circumstances far more challenging and desperate than anything faced by the Church in America today.  Why are we filled with such despair?  Men like Dietrich Bonhoeffer who faced down the Nazis and refused to compromise the integrity of the Church to serve political masters would be ashamed of our lack of resolve and courage.  The Word of God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  The victory of the Son of God has already been accomplished; his final victory of sin, death, Satan, and hell is likewise assured.  So why do those who profess faith in this all-conquering Son of God believe so little in the next generation of their own Church?  Are they so eager for the Second Coming of Christ that they’re willing to accept, even welcome, a downward slide of humanity to make it happen?  Forget for a moment that this is one particular interpretation of Scripture’s teachings on the End Times, and also that Jesus repeatedly said that the End will come as a thief, when nobody expects it.  If you’re wrong, if Jesus tarries for another two thousand years, or more, don’t we need to persevere; don’t we need to build the Church by engaging with our world both now and in the future?
I, for one, will keep working on the bridge.  I’m trying to get as many people as possible to see the Light of Christ, come over the bridge of faith in him, and enter in his kingdom.  I just wish more people in his Church were willing to stop working on the moat long enough to help.
The previous “rant” is not an indictment of the wonderful people I’ve come to know and love here in Franklin, especially those I shepherd at First Baptist, my fellow ministers in the Joint Ministerium, and my fellow workers with Mustard Seed Missions.  They understand the need to work together to reach the Lost; they haven’t given up on the future.  Who will join us?