Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sermon Video: "Nothing new under the sun" - Ecclesiastes 1:4-11

We live in a world of fast paced change.  It seems that something new appears almost every day.  Yet is any of it really new?  Solomon realized 3,000 years ago that human existence was simply repetition of the ideas and efforts of previous generations.  The earth remains, we are here for but a moment.  How can we find purpose and meaning if human existence never really improves?  It is only through God's effort that we are able to accept the sacrifice of Jesus which will begin the process of transforming our human nature and removing the sin which dooms human attempts at self improvement.  In the end, without God's help, there will be nothing new under the sun.

To watch the video, click on the link below:
Sermon Video

Thursday, July 19, 2012

"there is nothing new under the sun" - Ecclesiastes 1:9b

It wouldn't help sell newspapers or magazines, nor would it help TV news ratings if those producing the news admitted that there isn't anything new to report today.  About 3,000 years ago Solomon realized that whatever news a person might hear that it wasn't really new, "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again" (Ecc 1:9a).  The reason why there never is really any "new" news is because human nature doesn't change.  We may consider ourselves to be enlightened modern human beings who are far superior to our ancient ancestors, but that's just our hubris talking.  In reality, we're not any better than they are, nor are we any worse.  Man is incapable of changing his state.  Education won't do it, training won't do it, nor can a benevolent government either laize-faire or nanny-state change us.
The only thing that can, and will, bring about real change in individuals, communities, and nations, is a relationship with God through the saving power of the sacrifice of Jesus.  Why is this?  Because God has undertaken to transform us; we couldn't do it ourselves, but he can.  This is where faith begins, the realization that nothing will ever be new under the sun until we let God make it happen.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sermon Video: Is it right in God's sight? - Acts 4:13-22

After having been detained by the Sanhedrin following the healing of a man born lame, Peter and John as told that they may no longer preach anything about Jesus.  This decision is reached by those in authority despite the obvious miracle of the man standing before them.  In response, Peter asks if it is right to obey men or God.  The disciples cannot stop preach the Gospel, nor will they.  At this point the religious leadership lets them go despite their desire to further punish Peter and John because of the fear they have of the people (who are amazed at the miracle).  How do we know if we should disobey an unjust law or corrupt regime?  In the end, Jesus is our example, in this as in all else.

To watch the video, click on the link below:
Sermon Video

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Shame of Joe Paterno

There is no excuse.  That the family is trying to spin the Freeh report to protect his "legacy" is only adding to the shame he deserves.  Joe Paterno may have served his fellow man for decades, and he did, but what will he be remembered for?  Looking the other way to protect his buddy and his football program as children were raped by the man whose office was next door.  The legal ramifications for Penn State will be huge, and they should be, but the moral ramifications are beyond the pale.  Each of those students who gathered to protest the firing of Joe must now look themselves in the mirror and realize that they were helping to protect a man who made an inexcusable evil choice. 
Those of us who serve the public as our life's calling know that everything we have worked for could be ruined by a false accusation.  It makes us tentative, causes us to have rules about ministering alone with anyone, and plays to our fears.  It cannot be helped.  The innocent deserve our discomfort.
If any of these 4 leaders at Penn State (plus who knows how many more further down the ladder) had any sense of courage or honor, they would have gone to the police regardless of the consequences.  It is not a choice, it is an obligation.  Everything else that may be offered in their defense is meaningless.  They knew enough, they knew children were at risk, and they walked away.  Only one person needed to do the right thing to put a stop to Sandusky's predatory rapes of children; at Penn State, to their shame, there was none.
There is no excuse, only shame.

Jesus Christ is the same - Hebrews 13:8

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever."  A simple enough statement on the face of it, although I feel the need to insert a couple of commas.  What's so odd about something staying the same?  In reality, it is remarkable for anything to remain the same.  When we look at the physical world around us the one constant we see is change.  Nothing stays the say, everything is in a state of flux.  Our own lives are no different.  None of us are the same as we were ten years ago; not only have our bodies aged and changed (usually for the worse), but our relationships and our thinking as well.  Change is inevitable.
And yet, the more things change, the more they stay the same.  Isn't that what Solomon meant when he wrote, "there is nothing new under the sun.  Is there anything of which one can say, 'Look!  This is something new'?  It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time." (Ecclesiastes 1:9b-10)  Things such as death, taxes, man's inhumanity to man, natural disasters, pestilence, disease, and war are certainly not new.  The 24 hour news channels may report them as if they were a brand new thing, but we know we've seen them all before.
So what makes Jesus different?  The last word of the verse is "forever".  Everything I listed that we want go end, such as death, will one day be destroyed by the victory that Jesus accomplished with the Cross and the Empty Tomb.  One day, death will be no more, a new earth will be free of defect, and those who inhabit it will be free of sin.  Solomon knew that those things had all been around, and could see no way in which the evil in our world could be destroyed.  In God's wisdom, he sent his Son to our world to solve the dilemma that lead to Solomon's melancholy.
After God's final judgment of his creation, it will be God that remained the same throughout, from beginning to end, and his creation that (thankfully) returned to what it once was.  We will change, Jesus Christ has no need to; he will remain the same yesterday, today, and forever.