Friday, July 17, 2009

The People of First Baptist Church of Palo, Tony

Tony is another board member whose fishing tales are pretty close to being "false witness".

The People of First Baptist Church of Palo, Joy

That's Joy in here customary place for Sunday School; she's always there to enliven my comments on the text with life lessons she's learned.

The People of First Baptist Church of Palo, Wilma

Wilma plays the piano and organ for us, altough I can't guarantee she won't stop to tell a story from time to time. After I began working at Palo, I added iworship songs to our service (using a data projetor); we now do 50/50 with hymns and worship songs.

The People of First Baptist Church of Palo, Bruce

I have the privelage of working with a easy to get along with Chairman at Palo. Bruce is a retired teacher who lets me try my ideas out.

Orphans in Guatemala

In Guatemala we visited an orphanage where children born with birth defects are given up by their parents who don't have anywhere near the resources to care for them. This little girl had a cleft palate and weighed only about six ounces even though she was several months old. The doctors had to wait until she weighed more than a pound before they could operate.