Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Dangers of the First Fruits of Zion and their Torah Clubs: summarized in one page

To everyone who follows Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,

While we all ought to enthusiastically support deep study of the Bible, including its Jewish cultural and linguistic roots, all such study should occur within the framework of a Church history-based orthodoxy, and an Apostolic understanding of the Gospel.  The First Fruits of Zion with their Torah Clubs, are not an acceptable option.

Why are groups associated with the Hebrew Roots Movement, like the First Fruits of Zion dangerous?  Ample documentation* has demonstrated from primary sources, in their own words, that the First Fruits of Zion organization, and the Torah Clubs materials they publish, are replete with the following theological errors and/or heresies:

1.        A non-Trinitarian view of God in the forms of two ancient heresies rejected by the Early Church: Modalism and Subordinationism.  Through these heresies, they deny full personhood and/or full deity to Jesus Christ.

2.        A foundationally flawed hermeneutic {including the use of paraphrases, “my translation,” out-of-context quotations, and word substitutions resulting in more palatable texts} for interpreting scripture that proclaims that all relevant passages have been wrongly understood throughout Church History, and in fact mean nearly the opposite of what the Church has nearly universally taught.

3.        A consistent hostility toward the Church which is seen as the ‘mission field’ in need of correction to bring it back to its supposed roots as a Torah observant movement within Judaism.  They teach the Church should never have existed.

4.        That the books of Moses, the Torah, are more fully the words of God than other portions of holy scripture, making them the lens through which all scripture must be interpreted.  Even Jesus Christ, the eternal Word of God, has no authority to establish anything beyond the Mosaic Law.

5.        That Jesus did not fulfill the Mosaic Law, rather it is still operative and normative for all of God’s people, Jews and Gentiles alike.  That it was designed by God to be the only rubric for holy living for all peoples, in all places, and at all times.

6.        That there is no covenant with the Gentiles, thus all followers of Jesus Christ who accept the Gospel must be grafted into Israel by ‘becoming a Jew’ in spirit through Torah observance.

7.        That on this basis true Christian discipleship requires the keeping of the Mosaic Law, including the dietary (kosher), Sabbath, and festival provisions, which is how Christians demonstrate their love of God as these have been redefined by FFOZ as the true “fruit of the Spirit.”

If the tree is diseased, so will its fruit be.  Christians have already been warned against the use of bible study materials produced by the Watchtower Tract Society (JW) or LDS (Mormon) organizations, and would not use them even if locally 100% of the parent organization’s theology was not being adopted.  The risk that heretical teachings would gain a foothold is simply too great.  The same danger exists when using materials published by FFOZ.  If the desire is to learn about Judaism or from Messianic Judaism, a host of materials from an orthodox point-of-view are available for Christians to utilize.  To use that which comes from the FFOZ is an unnecessary risk, in addition, purchases support an organization whose stated goals would harm the Church and warp the Gospel.

In the end, while protesting that they do not offer a works-based salvation, and claiming that faith in Jesus is sufficient, this movement is built upon and structured around the claim that all faithful Christians will begin observing the Law of Moses once they become followers of Jesus, that faithful Christians will, in essence, live like Jews.  They may not outright claim the Law of Moses as the gatekeeper to salvation and Christian discipleship, but when you make it the gauge of genuine faithfulness you are adding it to the Gospel message, casting dispersion upon the faith of 99% of the world’s Christians, both past and present, and spreading doubt and division within the Church.  This movement is no benign appreciation of the scriptures, but rather an aggressively proselytizing misappropriation of them contrary to the established teachings of Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant Churches, and Messianic Jewish congregations, alike.

Given this, it is necessary to warn individual Christians and congregations against participation in these groups, and call upon those who do so now, and especially those who are promoting them, to repent and return to the faith our ancestors rejoiced in as, “you are not under the law, but under grace.” (Romans 6:12)

* For documentation, see the page on this blog with the same title.

Sermon Video: The God of the downtrodden - Genesis 21:8-21

After the birth of Isaac, both Sarah and Abraham fail to treat Hagar and Ishmael with kindness.  In fact, Sarah seems to hate them both, and Abraham does little to provide for either of them.  God is different.  God chooses to intervene and protect them both.  When they are at their lowest point, having lost hope of even living to see tomorrow, God provides.  Why?  Among others reasons, it is because God is the God of the downtrodden, the lost and forgotten, the outcasts and rejects.  Why?  Because God's love and mercy delights in it.

Sermon Video: God's Promises - The Birth of Isaac, Genesis 21:1-7


After decades of waiting, the promised son of Abraham and Sarah arrives. What does this miracle birth tells us about God's promises? About us as we wait for them to be fulfilled?

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Sermon Video: When the sins of God's people harm others - Genesis 20

In this chapter, Abraham returns to an old ruse, one he used disastrously back in chapter 12 of Genesis.  Like then, Abraham's plan involves deception and causes harm to others.

So, what do we do when the people who hurt us claim to be God's people?

The first step is to determine if they really are God's people, sadly many charlatans abuse God's name for their own ends.  Abraham was certainly God's guy, God even calls him a prophet in this text.

The second step is to remember that God's people are still flawed people.  Redeemed they may be, but perfect they are not.  They will fail, and those failures will at times harm others.  This isn't God's fault, it is ours.

Lastly, what ought to come next is repentance and an attempt to repair the damage coming from God's people.  In Genesis 20 Abraham does not repent, but God still requires that he be a part of the solution to fix what he has broken.  If/when God's people fail, they ought to be the first ones trying to make it right.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Sermon Video: Do Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures? - Genesis 19:30-38

In a disturbing episode that speaks to the trauma and hopelessness of those it involves, Genesis relates the origin of the two tribes that would occupy the land east of the Jordan River when the Israelites were journeying through Sinai.  The Moabites and the Ammonites were both connected with Abraham's nephew Lot which doesn't make them part of the Abrahamic Covenant (like the descendants of Ishmael and Esau) with respect to the general blessings upon Abraham's offspring, but it does mean that they are distant kin to Israel and they will have a role to play, for better and for worse, in the years to come.  The most famous example of this interaction is of course Ruth who is called "the Moabitess" over and over in her story.

In the end, there was no need for Lot's daughters to follow the course of action that they chose, because we serve one God whose character and power can be counted upon, his people never have to choose immorality.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Sermon Video: The LORD rescues Lot from Sodom - Genesis 19:1-29

Once again Genesis focuses on  Abraham's nephew Lot, a secondary character in the story Moses is telling, but one whose life has impacted Abraham's twice before, and has yet a further impactful role to play.  Here we see the grace of God playing out in Lot's life as Abraham's bargain with the LORD to not let the righteous be swept away with the wicked plays out.  Because Lot is so deeply rooted in Sodom, the angels sent by the LORD actually end up taking an active role in pushing him out of the city before the judgment falls.  In the end, the destruction of Sodom is less a story about evil been punished and more a reminder that God's grace is amazing because Lot and his daughters were saved when the day of judgment arrived.

The Pastoral Letter to the Cornerstone University Board of Trustees has been delivered: How will they respond?

Our Letter to the Cornerstone University Board of Trustees: With Signatures has now been sent.  If you wish to see the name of each pastor and stakeholder who chose to attach their name to it, click on the link. 

The letter itself was the result of robust conversations happening among those who care about Cornerstone University and who also share deep concerns about the vision/direction in which President Dr. Gerson Moreno-Riaño has been leading it, and the unethical ways in which that vision/direction has been implemented.  

[To learn more about the journey to this point read: A Pastoral Letter to the Cornerstone University Board of Trustees - Fall 2024"A singular focus on preparing students for meaningful jobs and careers" would be the death of Christian Higher Education - A response to the essay by Cornerstone University's President Moreno-Riaño on Fox News, and The Cornerstone University I graduated from is no more, my daughter won't be going there.  Or, listen to Pastor Noah's Filipiak's podcast conversation:  Power and Politics at Cornerstone University with Dr. David Turner, and for a wider range of resources on this topic, visit: Voice of CU]

Now we await a response, officially or otherwise, from President Dr. Gerson Moreno-Riaño, other administrators, staff, or students at Cornerstone, and/or the Board whether that be individual board members or a collective statement.  Will there be a response?  We have no way of knowing.  How will those to whom this letter was written respond to it?  The Lord alone knows that answer.  We have filled the role of the Watchmen.  We stood upon the wall and warned that danger is coming, how those to whom that warning was given will respond to it was never in our power.  As Ezekiel learned from the LORD, that power is never in our hands when we try to warn others of the dangers that our wisdom allows us to see, it rests with those who will choose to listen to it or not.  We believe that we have reflected the concerns of God's Word related to how a Christian community should function and the moral standard to which it ought to be held.

Ezekiel 3:16-21  New International Version

16 At the end of seven days the word of the LORD came to me: 17 “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. 18 When I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for[a] their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. 19 But if you do warn the wicked person and they do not turn from their wickedness or from their evil ways, they will die for their sin; but you will have saved yourself.

20 “Again, when a righteous person turns from their righteousness and does evil, and I put a stumbling block before them, they will die. Since you did not warn them, they will die for their sin. The righteous things that person did will not be remembered, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. 21 But if you do warn the righteous person not to sin and they do not sin, they will surely live because they took warning, and you will have saved yourself.”

The warnings have been given, the seeds have been sown, now the responsibility shifts to those who have the power to make morally upright change at Cornerstone University.  Our role at this point is to pray and hope.  Our prayer is that the Holy Spirit will work in hearts and minds, will guide, direct, correct, and empower.

What we can learn from looking at who signed the letter:

Pastors who signed: 55 [CU Alum: 7, GRTS Alum: 40, Both: 6, Neither: 2]

Others who signed: 110 [CU Alum: 52, GRTS Alum: 33, Both: 7, Neither: 18]

Given that I didn't have any way of gauging how many people would see the letter, let alone be willing to sign, I think that 55 pastors (mostly alumni) and 110 other concerned stakeholders (again, mostly alumni) ought to be a significant enough demonstration that not everyone is on board with what has happened at Cornerstone in recent years.  Others share our concern, we are not alone in seeing this danger.

It was an honor to play the small part that I played in this effort, and much appreciation belongs to Pastor Noah, Dr. David, and Voice of CU.

A personal thanks to everyone who signed the letter, thank you for standing with me.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Sermon Video: The Light that was seen from afar, Matthew 2:1-2,9b-11


The Light seen by the Magi of the East is powerfully symbolic in Matthew's Gospel.  This astronomical phenomenon brought them on a long journey to see the newly born King of the Jews.  For us it serves as a reminder of our need, as disciples of Jesus, to also reflect his light in our world.  Our task is to draw those in the darkness to the light of Christ that they too may be saved.