Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Sermon Video: Is it futile to serve God? Malachi 3:13-15

Why do the people of God, disciples of Jesus Christ, serve God?  Is it for the rewards and blessings, in this life or the next, that we sacrifice in this life?  Or do we serve God out of gratitude for what he has done for us, and out of respect for the majesty and holiness of God?
The prophet Malachi encountered grumblers among his own people who complained by asking, "What did we gain by carrying out his requirements...?"  They were upset that serving God had not benefited them sufficiently in their view.  Whenever the people of God base their service to him on promised or assumed rewards they will end up disappointed and disillusioned, especially when they see the unrighteous/wicked "prospering" in this life as they gain power, wealth, and fame through their misdeeds.  Jesus did not promise his followers material gain, quite the opposite, he promised them "troubles" and told them that to follow him they must bear their own cross as well.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

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