Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Sermon Video: Faith Resting on God's Power - 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

In this self-reflective section, Paul explains his attitude and reasoning regarding his initial time in Corinth when he first preached the Gospel, first in the synagogue, and then among the Gentiles.  Paul reveals that he purposefully avoided trying to sound polished and slick in his presentation, not wanting to win people over with anything other than the Gospel message itself.  In addition, Paul admits to a level of trepidation at the weight of the responsibility God had given him, but ends the section with a reassuring thought: It was not upon anything that Paul did that the people built their faith, but on the power of God.  How does Paul know this?  Paul kept his focus upon the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the heart of the Gospel, thus ensuring that what the people believed in was the Word of God, and thus reliant upon the power of God, as it should be.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

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