Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Sermon Video: The Power of Prayer - Part 2: James 5:16-18

Continuing his thoughts on prayer, James makes a connection in vs. 15b-16 between those illnesses which are caused, at least in part, by sinful actions, and the prayer needed to repent of them.  James isn't making the mistake of Job's friends, that is claiming that ALL misfortune is because of specific sin, but he also isn't glossing over the fact that some of the ailments that are common to man are indeed the result of our own sinful actions.  We all recognize that the alcoholic's failed liver is a consequence of sin, as is the STD of the sexually immoral, but the reality goes much further than that and hits much closer to home.  All manner of sinful actions and attitudes have consequences in our physical, emotional, and psychological health.  The solution to these health needs much include repentance, along with medical care, if the root problem is to be uncovered and dealt with.
For the Christian, the most effective method of repentance involves the support of fellow Christians that is connected with the confession of sin that brings that which is hidden out into the light where it can be destroyed.  James doesn't specify to whom the confession should be given, whether the pastor or another mature Christian, the purpose is the same: to support the repentant sinner.
To show the power of prayer, to even overcome the grip that sin can hold a person in, James cites the power that was available to the prophet Elijah through prayer.  Elijah may seem like an extraordinary man, not like us at all, but only because he became just that through obedience to God and faithfulness; it was God's power that made Elijah a powerful prophet, he was simply a humble servant.  We too, then, can have access to God's power, through prayer, if we too like Elijah are obedient and faithful.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

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